Truth or Dare

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Tris' POV

Tobias and I have been dating for 6 months now which means we graduate next month, it has been truly amazing, my parents adore him and his parents love me. It's perfect.
At the moment we're heading to Marlenes for a game of truth or dare.
When we arrive our gang is already sat in a circle. We have become best friends. Zeke is now dating Shauna, Mar is dating Uriah and Will is dating Christina. Lynn is still single but she loves it.
"You're 5 minutes late" Chris says, I roll my eyes and let out a laugh. We join the circle when Uriah starts screaming.
"I want to go first". We all laugh at how childish he is.
"Four bud, truth or dare?" He asks.
Tobias is thinking for a moment and says "Truth".
"Pansycake" we all scream in unison.
That word stuck to us ever since our first truth or dare game when Uriah started using it, that's when Tobias asked me out.
Tobias roll his eyes.
"Have you and Tris done the doo yet?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.
I tense as we haven't yet, we're waiting till we are ready and our relationship is strong.
Tobias looks at me as if asking for permission to tell them, I nod my head.
"No, we're waiting till we're both ready" he says. Everybody 'awwws'.
Tobias looks around.
"Shauna truth or dare?" He asks.
"Dare" she replies.
"I dare you to run down the street and scream 'I lost my unicorn, has anyone seen him?' And if somebody comes up to you and says they have tell them to lay off the drugs and run back inside"
She goes outside and does the dare.
"Guys this is getting boring, let's play wed, bed, dead" Christina says.
"Okay seen as I just went ill do it" Shauna says.
"Uriah, bed wed and kill, Tris, Chris and Marlene" she continues
"Awh dude come on, why did you have to put Tris in there, Four will kill me no matter what my answer is" Uriah says, Tobias just smirks
"Fine, wed Mar, bed Chris and kill Tris" he says. I can see Tobias clenching his fists but I calm him down its only a game.
"Okay my turn, Four, bed wed and kill, Tris, Shauna and Zeke" Uriah snickers at the last part earning a death glare from Tobias.
"Erm, wed Tris obviously, bed Shauna and kill Zeke, sorry Bro" he says laughing.
The game goes on until we're too tired to play and we all just pass out in Marlenes living room.

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