chapter 1

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I rode into town on my horse and I had gotten off when I noticed or I thought I noticed doc holliday standing there at the saloon but whoever it was they had long hair then they turned around when a man walked up to her. I know she looked new in town but then the man and I looked at each other and I knew who it was as we stared at each other deep down I knew it was one of the earp brothers. I walked away after a little bit of staring at him. Once I got to the shafe office I walked in ready to turn my guns in. I know the rest of the cowboys won't.

Virgil was sitting at a desk when he saw me he knew I was wanted for a couple of shootings I had done and I killed men in my past. Virgil asked me " why are you here in town but most importantly are you going to turn your guns in pestfuly or are we going to have to do it the hard way." I replied back " Now Virgil I don't want any trouble so here are my guns." I said as I turned them over to him and about to walk out. He takes my guns and says " you better till the rest of them when they get here to do the same." I smiled and turned to look at him staring into his eyes and side.

"I am not with them anymore. I am actually running from them and running from Johnny Ringo so when they do show up we both have something to worry about." Then after I said that I walked out but not before I bump into someone. He was tall and was wearing mostly black then I stood to the side and let him in as he did. I won them both saying " both of you watch your backs when the cowboys show up in town." Then I headed to the Gan hotel in town.

Once I got to the hotel and I got into my room I took off the red cloth and I placed it on the floor and after getting changed into clean clothes. I lifted the hotel. I decided to get something to drink so I went to a salon. As I walked in and scanned the room I noticed someone I thought I had killed so I went up to him and said " you must be doc holliday" he replied "that's the rumor." " I thought I shot you, I thought you were dead."He just smiles and laughs and said" I'll let you take the first shot." It gets dead quiet as the Earps walk in and so I went to the bar and I ordered some whiskey. When I looked at the group I noticed the girl agen who almost tracked me thinking she was doc.

Then they all started to talk about whatever they talk about. Then I looked back and I stared at Wyatt then the girl that was with them was walking towards me and I looked away quickly. I put my head down overdoing eye contact with her, leaning my hat over my eyes. The girl looked over at me and asked me my name and I looked up at her with a serious look and said " ask doc holliday but other than that my name is a need to know" she pulls her gun out and points it at my face.

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