chapter 9

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" I'm going into town." Before I pass out all I hear her name the rest is all blurry you can say from when I passed out. I don't really remember much about when Lizzy and Doc and Wyatt came to save me. All I felt and heard was voices and felt someone's arms pick me up. I didn't care who it was because their body heat was nice and I thought I heard crying but I could tell by me going in and out but this time before I passed out I had a gun then I felt being picked up and I heard Lizzy's voice trying to get Wyatt I think. The next time I woke up I was on a bed and I looked at Lizzy who was sitting at my bedside. I tried sitting up but I was too weak too. Before I let sleep take over me cuz I was exhausted and my body was healing I touched Lizzy and then I passed out of at least I thought I did.

Time skep.........

I woke up and did not realize it has been almost a month since the thing and I see Wyatt looking at me with a Sad face. He was blurry but I know it was him "Wyatt" I said reaching out for him. Or who I thought was Wyatt. All I hear is the prison calling for someone. Once my vision was better I looked around and didn't recognize the place and I got scared and started to cry out for Wyatt Lizzy and doc tears rolled down from my eyes. All I felt next was someone putting me agents on their chest and putting a jacket over me. "Wyatt, Lizzy, doc where are you guys" all I hear is the prison replay. " Wyatt, it's hard to stay and stay the same with my wife Lizzy to make sure Wyatt did everything" . Once I realized who was hugging me I hugged him as tight as I could. " Doc, I want to go back to town". " Ok can you Walk" I tried to get up but Doc had wrapped his arms and picked me up. I recognized who's jacket he headed out over me and I held the jacket as tight as possible.

We head just got in to town and I was looking for Lizzy and Wyatt once we got into town and we stopped in front of the saloon I shook my head and laughed to myself as he went in a followed him and saw Lizzy and Wyatt playing at a table and saw doc walk to Lizzy and I saw her smile and I couldn't help but smile too. I walked over to them " there my favorite sister and boyfriend." Lizzy looked up at me and she got up as fast as I could say as a bluiett and ran to hug me and I hugged back and smiled. Wyatt looks at me almost crying then he got up and pulled me close to his chest and then kissed my head I hugged him tight and lost all my emotions and started to cry in to him " your safe now my love" Wyatt said as he holds me tighter.

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