Rich immediately.

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Rose, Scorpious and Albus were shocked at their parents death, but it affected Rose the most. She was more distant than ever, even if she was adopted by her godmothers, Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger.
The boys used to study at durmstrang and Rose studied at ilvermorny until their parents died. They three were transferred to Hogwarts by their godmothers of course.

"GOD YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT ALBUS!" Rose shouted hitting him in the head. "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" He shouted louder than he was supposed to. "goodness! You're going to Hogwarts tomorrow, can't you two just stop fighting for once?" Pansy said causing the two to shut up.

"pansy?" "Yes Albus?" He looked around a moment before speaking, "what if- what if I am put into Slytherin?" "Albus Severus Potter, you were named after the two most powerful wizards ever. One was a Gryffindor and the other was a Slytherin, who was the bravest man you father knew. And even if you are put in Slytherin I know that Slytherin house would gain an amazing wizard!" Albus smiled at her and went to the dining room and sat next to Scorpious.

They ate, they laughed, and drank.

In morning, the three were already up all to excited to go. They went to the train station saying goodbye to Pansy and Hermione. The left and went inside the train, the three sat in an empty compartment filled with silence as the train took off.

"What house do you think you are gonna get into?" Scorpious asked, " I don't know, maybe Ravenclaw?" Rose said. Albus just shrugged as he didn't really know at all. "God you two are idiots!" Scorpious yelled, looking out the window. The other two exchanged looks and just ignored each other for the rest of the train ride.

Soon they arrived at Hogwarts and were all so eager to find out what house they were in since the three of them read a few things about each house. Even though Albus and Scorpious were 13 and rose was 12 the three fit right in. But now it was time to get sorted in their proper houses. "Attention please! There are some first years that we need to sort out, but there are also exchange students for another school! So please be kind and helpful to them" McGonagall said loudly with a smile on her face.
"Albus Severus Potter Malfoy"
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled out.
"ROSE LUNA Potter Malfoy!"
"Scorpious Potter Malfoy!"

It turns out they were sorted into different house but that didn't make them rivals like they're parents once were, the three are inseparable.

The three of them have the same class, can visit each other in their dorms, and more privileges since Harry Potter, their father had saved the wizarding world. But the only problem was that they couldn't really buy anything since they didn't have any money. Every Friday the students pay for their food no matter what privileges they have which most of them payed for the food but some stole which made McGonagall put guards everywhere just so no one could steal anything. But that didn't stop the three siblings from stealing they would cause diversions and distractions so that the other could steal the food and bring it up to their secret little area, the room of requirement.

One day McGonagall called the three into her office, they were panicking since they thought McGonagall had figured out everything. "Good morning professor, Listen what ever you think we did I swear it was jus-" Scorpious was interrupted by McGonagall. "I don't know what you did but this is Mr. Smeklin" The three snickered at the name earning a glare from McGonagall. "You three have inherited some stuff. " Smeklin said. "Rose Potter malfoy, your father draco left you 69,000,000 galleon's, Albus Potter Malfoy, your father Harry left you the invisibility cloak and 420,69,000 galloens, and last but not least, Scorpious Potter Malfoy, your father's left you 69,000,000 galleon's"
Albus was shocked meanwhile the other two were furious as to why he got an invisibility cloak and why he got more money. A

"I guess we're spoiled brats now"

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