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Then he woke up, he saw two familiar face hovering over him, it was his parents who were worried sick.
"Finally! He's awake!" Albus looked confused a bit until he remembered his attempt on killing himself to be with his parents in a new universe.
His dad hugged him tight. "Are you alright?!" Albus nodded, getting up. He looked in the mirror, he looked different than before. He looked about two years older and he had piercings.
"Is something wrong Albus?" Harry asked. "No, nothings wrong dad. I'm fine really" Harry and Draco nodded and left him.

He looked around his room only to realize his room was painted black with skulls and stuff. Was he in his emo phase? He asked himself.
He ran downstairs to see a picture frame on the wall. It was him, Scorpious and Rose. He noticed that rose and Scorpious weren't upstairs so he asked about where they were to his parents. " Dad's where is Rose and Scorp?" His parents looked like someone died. "Albus. They died 2 years ago, remember? In that fire at our old house." Albus was at a lost for words. he remembered what he did mere hours or days ago. He 'sacrificed' himself. "I-i gotta go" he said leaving the house for some fresh air. He was confused, angry and annoyed at why they died like he did. What if he changed the past or future of this universe cause he came in his body in THIS different universe.
And to think he killed his siblings in this universe for such a selfish reason.

Meanwhile after Rose showed the letter to Scorpious they were sad at the reason why they even did it.
They understood but we're angry, and just felt horrified in general.

"how are you Scorp?" Rose asked. "I'm fine but I should be the one asking you, how are you?"
"I'm fine." "You sure?" Rose nodded and left to burn the letter. She threw the letter in the fire. Moments later it was nothing but ashes, there was a part of her that regretted it but she also felt relief over her shoulder. Like a burden was gone. But the letter wasn't a "burden" it spoke the truth though she didn't know if it was true. She regretted it a bit but she was to stubborn to admit it.

Though then there was Scorpious. He wasn't like Rose. He didn't regret anything since he helped Albus, he knew it was his plan all along just didn't realize there would be a letter. He was sad which was normal but another then that he was fineish. He knew how his brother did it. He wanted to do it as well. He already had a plan and a few notes from Albus. He just didn't want to hurt Rose. He just knew how rose would turn insane if he had also died. He knew it was a bad idea if he didn't explain it to Rose. But he couldn't, wouldn't, he was unsure and he also wanted to see how albus was doing since there was no other form of communication with him unless he goes to that universe as well. He wanted to. But he couldn't leave her alone. He stayed with her until the very end. (NO I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM. I MEAN THE " HE STAYED WITH HER UNTIL THE VERY END" AS A BROTHERLY SISTER THING)

Though Scorpious thought about being with his brother everyday. He watched Rose grow old, have a family, have an actual life. It seems that she forgotten Albus. She moved on considering she had no idea that Scorpious was in on the plan as well.

Maybe one day he'd reveal the truth.

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