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After when they found out they decided to keep quiet and make a plan until summer.

Once they finally went back home, Scorpius couldn't hold it in any longer, "WE FOUND OUT WHO KILLED OUR PARENTS" He blurted out. "You did?" Hermione asked, the three nodded.
"Thats amazing! When did you find out?" "A few days after we got to Hogwarts...." Rose said looking away.
"Why didn't you tell us any sooner?!? We could have caught the man by now!"

There was a moment of silence before Pansy but in, "what happened? Did someone die?" The three kids explained what happened leaving her shocked.
"Mione, did you- did you know about this??" "no! Of course not! I just found out about this after the kids told me."
Pansy glared at her and left. "I'm going to my room" Albus said running up the stairs. "what's wrong with him?" Hermione asked, "read the room" rose said before going to her room as well.
"Scorp?" Scorpius shook his head before leaving to go to his room like the other two did.

He researched about "Morncil Anthony" for a bit until he saw something.

"Morncil Anthony, death eater was found dead last night" he couldn't believe what he read. He walked over to Albus's room. "Al, look what I found"
He took a look at what it said. "He's dead? Well that's great! A potential threat to all of us gone" albus said.
"No! You're wrong how could he have died just like that??!" Scorpius looked at his phone again and tried to find anything that could be linked to his murder. "Could-could Rose be behind this?" He asked. "Why would you even think that scorp?" He shrugged and followed scorpius to rose's room. "Rose, did you kill him?" Rose was confused before she asked, "kill who?"
"MORNCIL! Did you kill....him....?"
NO! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT SCORP?!" She yelled. "BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO KILL HIM GOD DAMNIT!" The three went silent. "I SWEAR I DIDN'T! I AM NOT VOLDEMORT!" "WHAT IF YOU ARE HUH?" the two kept arguing until albus but-in "OH STOP IT YOU TWO! YOU'RE NOT CHILDREN ANYMORE! SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU STILL ARE" the two turned away a bit embarrassed.  "Finally" he went downstairs to get some fresh air. As he opened the door he was greeted by someone, it was his father. Harry.

"Dad? You're-you're-" "supposed to be dead? I know. I'm from the past ive come to warn you. There's something about to happen, something bad."
"What is it?" Albus asked. "You and Rose are dying! You're going to die!" As he said that, the house started collapsing
"TAKE YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER AND RUN! LEAVE!" With that he disappeared. A fire started in the kitchen as the house started collapsing.
He ran up to the room were his siblings were sitting and apologizing to each other. "ROSE, SCORPIUS! RUN."
"what? Why?!" the room started collapsing as well. The three were running out but albus tripped, a piece of wood fell on him, "LEAVE!" He shouted, " but what about you i-"
"LEAVE" the two obeyed and ran outside as the house collapsed on their brother.

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