Coming back

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Albus and Scorpius turned 14 while Rose turned 13. The boys were in their 4th year while Rose was in her 3rd year. But something had awoken in all of them, but they didn't talk about it much.

They said their goodbyes to Pansy and Hermione. They found an empty compartment but what they saw left them shocked.

J + L and under it was "To grow old" and under that was D + H "To grow old" carved into the wall.

They assumed it was their grandparents and parents initials. The whole train ride was silent. No one spoke until they got off, "oh come on! Don't be sad" Scorpius said. The other two rolled their eyes and walked ahead. "You alright rose?" She nodded and they continued walking till they reached the great hall.

McGonagall gave her usual speech about why you shouldn't go in the dark forest and sorted the first years in their houses. The three didn't talk much until days later Rose sent an owl to the other two.

Albus Scorpius
I wanna ask you two something in person. Meet me at the library.

The two ran into the library under the invisibility cloak to meet Rose.
"Hey rose" albus whispered. "Over here guys" she said grabbing a book and showing it to them. "Whats this?"
"A book dispshit"
"I know but what is this about??" Rose opened the book and inside it had 
Hundreds of records about death eaters and what happened to them or how they died. She flipped through some of the pages to one of the death eaters who weren't caught yet it read

        Morncil Anthony
    Status:Not caught
Crime: Murdered Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

The three were shocked at what they read. They were angry, and surprised as to why this was hidden from them. They wanted revenge on the one who killed their parents. They just didn't know how.

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