some sad letter

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Rose was  sitting in her dorm when she received a letter from someone.

Rose, by now you're reading this I am dead. How are you? I did it. I'm probably in another universe, World 739 I'm with our parents in a different universe. I did it on purpose, I killed myself to go to world 739. I'm sorry I left you and Scorp how is he by the way? Good I presume. I hope you and him weren't affected to much. I'm sorry Rose for leaving you and Scorp. I miss you and Scorp. Maybe one day you and him can become powerful wizards and join me and our parents. We'll be unstoppable! I love you sis, remember that always.

Rose was in tears by the time she finished the reading the letter. Her own brother sacrificed himself to go be with their parents. Amazing story right? Wrong. She was heartbroken that her own brother sacrificed himself leaving her and Scorpius alone. She felt betrayed and angry. She hated what her brother did to her, yet she understood as she would have done the same as well.

So to recap, parents dead, brother somehow dead, sad story. Though it's a most definite lie they're not "dead" really, they're not dead. But just....stuck in the past.

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