Not like in those stupid movies..

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-that same night in Heavenly Host-

Naomi was wandering through the dark halls of Heavenly Host. She was hungry because she died of hunger. She saw a couple of students, scared for their lives. Naomi sighed and shook her head. She realized she died, and that did make her angry. But she wasn't jealous of others peoples lives. Kitiaishi left as she expected. She should've never left Satoshi in the first place.. Naomi noticed a body on the ground and turned her head away. It was her own body..

"God..I look terrible.." she mumbled to herself. She sat on the ground and sighed, hugging her knees. "I miss my friend.." she muttered. Like usual, Sachiko appeared with a grin on her face. She sat next to Naomi.

"What is wrong Naomi Onee-chan?" she asked. Naomi looked at her left side, seeing the girl. She wasn't scared of her anymore. "I miss them.." she answered. Sachiko smiled. "What would you do for me to bring you back?" she asked. Naomi shook her head and looked towards the ground again. "Everything..". Sachiko giggled. "Okay..".

-the next morning-

Yoshiki woke up and looked to his right side. He saw Ryouta and Ayumi, both sleeping. He smiled and gave them a kiss, accidentally waking up Ryouta. He opened his eyes and yawned.

"Daddy..?" he asked sleepily. Yoshiki smiled and nodded. Ryouta smiled too and grabbed his arm, pulling Yoshiki towards him. Yoshiki's eyes widened when he felt how strong Ryouta was for a four year old. Ryouta hugged him and smiled.

"When Ryouta is older, he wants to be just like daddy.." he whispered. Yoshiki smiled. "You don't want to be like daddy, and I'm making sure you don't become like daddy.". Ryouta looked at him. "Why not daddy?" he asked, waking up Ayumi too. She looked at the two and smiled. Yoshiki sighed.

"Daddy didn't have such good friend before he met mommy and her friends." he said. Ayumi giggled. "Yeah..I learned daddy how to behave like a real man..". Ryouta stood up and smiled.

"Ryouta is a real man mommy!" he shouted. Ayumi nodded and smiled. "Yes you is getting up to make breakfast for the two gentlemen." she said, stretching out and walking towards the kitchen. Yoshiki sat up too and smiled. Could this get any better?

"So that means I can't be in the sun anymore?" Naomi asked softly. Sachiko shook her head. "No, it's not like in those stupid movies." she muttered annoyed. "You can be in the sun but not for too long, you still have to eat normal food and you also have to sleep.". Naomi nodded slowly. "You also need blood to keep being healthy.." Sachiko whispered with a twisted smile on her face. Naomi really didn't care about that and nodded. "So we have a deal?" she asked. Sachiko nodded and smiled evil. "Have fun..".

Naomi woke up in her room and looked around. "Am I..back?" she asked herself. She stood up and grabbed her clothes, putting them on. She looked into the mirror and noticed her skin was paler than normal. Naomi looked at her teeth and they looked normal. She sighed and shook her head. "Maybe it was all a dream..".

-that afternoon-

Ryouta was watching tv and Yoshiki was making lunch. Ayumi was reading a magazine until she heard the bell, opening the door with a smile. "Suzumoto, Morishige, nice to see you guys again!" she said cheerful, stepping aside so they could walk in. Mayu's eyes widened when she saw the adorable boy on the couch. Sakutaro smiled.

"Is that your cousin Kishinuma?" he asked, thinking the boy looked like him. Yoshiki walked towards the little boy and gave him his bread. He then looked at the tall boy with glasses and smiled awkwardly.

" remember when Ayumi suddenly got a child..and when I told you someone took him from us?" he asked. Mayu's eyes widened. "So that's your..son?" she asked. When Ryouta heard the word son, he walked towards Mayu, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, my name is Ryouta Kishinuma!" he said with a smile. Mayu smiled too. "That's adorable.." she whispered. Ayumi smiled too and looked at Mayu's belly.

"How is your little child doing?" she asked. Mayu smiled and looked at Ayumi. "I could ask you the same question, your belly seems to have grown.." she muttered. Ayumi nodded. "Yeah..this one will come faster than normal baby's.." she muttered. The group was quiet for a while until Yoshiki cleared his throat. " you guys want something to drink?" he asked. The other nodded and he and Ryouta gave them something to drink.

The parents and soon to become parents sat on the couch and the little boy started to play with his mother's hand. Mayu looked at the ground.

"Kishinuma..I can't believe you've actually hit Shinohara.." she muttered softly. Ayumi's eyes widened and she looked at Yoshiki. "You did what?!" she yelled. Ryouta quickly covered his ears. "Don't scream mommy!" he yelled, on the edge of crying. Ayumi bit her lower lip and hugged the boy, holding him close. She looked at Yoshiki with an angry look on her face.

"Why did you hit Shinohara..?!" she whisper screamed. Yoshiki sighed and shook his head. "I was angry and being stupid okay?" he said. Ayumi sighed and looked down at the boy in her arms, standing up and lifting him. "I think it's time for your nap big boy.." she said, bringing him to the bedroom. After she was sure he was asleep she walked back to the three students.

"Is Shinohara angry now?" she asked. Yoshiki nodded slowly. "Yeah..she called me an idiot three times.." he muttered. Ayumi rolled with her eyes.

"She's being too nice to you.."

Yay, long chap!!
I got nothing else to say so...
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See you in the next chap!


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