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Ayumi opened the door and walked towards the bedroom again. Yoshiki, still sick, fell asleep. Ayumi sighed. She laid next to him and hugged him. "I just don't want you to die.." she mumbled. Out of the blue, Yoshiki chuckled. "Again, I won't die." he said. Ayumi screamed and fell from the bed. Yoshiki laughed. "Why did you fell?" he asked. Ayumi gave him a 'that's not funny' look. "So you were awake?" she asked. He nodded. "I just wanted to see your reaction." he said, while laughing. "Haha, so funny." Ayumi said, annoyed. "But hey, how did it go?" Yoshiki asked. Ayumi sat on the bed again and looked away. "Well, I had to choose between Shinohara's life or a family.. with you." she mumbled. "W..what, did Shinohara die?" Yoshiki asked. Ayumi nodded. "Well, die.. it was again a sick game from Sachiko." Ayumi said. Yoshiki's eyes widened. "D..did she appear again?" he asked, hugging her. She nodded. "But I chose for Shinohara.." she mumbled. Yoshiki looked at her. "And what did she mean with a family?" Yoshiki asked. "She could undo the curse." Ayumi mumbled. Yoshiki hugged her again. "We don't need that, if you want a child, if will die for that." he said, kissing her. Ayumi pulled back. "No, I want the kid to have a father!" Ayumi yelled. Yoshiki sighed. "Just calm down, we need to marry first." he joked. Ayumi looked at him and took a deep breath. "You're right, let's just forget about that child thing.." Ayumi mumbled, laying down.

"Ow yeah, one more thing, Nakashima and Shinohara are in love." Ayumi said, looking at Yoshiki. "In.. love, like friend right?" Yoshiki asked. Ayumi shook her head. "No, like.. love-love." she answered. "But.. Satoshi?" Yoshiki mumbled. Yoshiki tried to stand but fell down again. Ayumi giggled. "You are ill, I will visit him, okay?" she said. Yoshiki nodded and smiled. "Ayumi, I love you." he said, before she left. Ayumi smiled back. "I love you to." she answered, and left the room.

Ayumi walked down the street and rang Satoshi's doorbell. He opened the door and Ayumi smiled. "Hi Mochida, is everythi- hmpff!". Ayumi was cut of by a kiss. She pulled back. "What are you doing!" she yelled. Satoshi pulled her inside and kissed her again. "Hmfp., Mochida!" Ayumi yelled, slapping him. "Ow, why did you do that?" Satoshi asked. "Why did you just kiss me?!" Ayumi yelled, confused. Satoshi looked at her. "Naomi dumped me so-". "So you thought: 'let's kiss Shinozaki, she's easy.' !" Ayumi yelled. "No, but that you came to check on me, says enough." Satoshi said. "I came to check on you 'cause Yoshiki is to sick for that!" Ayumi yelled. "But forget it Mochida, you're just a idiot!" Ayumi yelled, leaving the house. She ran back home and opened the door.

"How did it-" Yoshiki was cut of by a crying Ayumi. "He kissed me, I feel so dirty!" Ayumi yelled, hugging Yoshiki. "W..wow, calm down, he didn't kiss you, right?" Yoshiki asked in disbelief, hugging her back. Ayumi looked up with teary eyes. "No he did kiss me, twice!" she yelled, crying again. Yoshiki felt a lot of anger in his heart. "Why did he do that?" Yoshiki asked. "'Cause Nakashima dumped him!" Ayumi yelled. "If I see that asshole again, I will..". Yoshiki stopped. "You will what?" Ayumi asked. Yoshiki shook his head. "F..forget about that.." he murmured. 'Did I just want to kill my best friend?' Yoshiki thought. He looked at Ayumi. "Don't worry, it will never happen again." he whispered, calming her down. 'And if it happens again.. I will kill him.'.

Yuka sat on the couch, looking around. Yuuya's house what really pretty. It wasn't that big, but it was colorful. He had different patterns all over the house. But their bedroom was just white. White walls, white blanket, white pillows. 'I have to ask him about that..' Yuka thought. Yuuya was in school but Yuka was free. "I'm bored.." she mumbled. "But.. maybe I can cook something for him.." Yuka thought. She walked towards the kitchen and opened some cabins. But in one cabin laid a odd kind of food. Yuka grabbed it and studied it. "Rat.. poison?!" Yuka yelled. "W..why does it stand by the food?" Yuka asked. She put it on the table. "That doesn't belong here.." she murmured.

Naomi stayed by Seiko, again. They were in her room, talking about stuff again. "Did you saw Shinozaki's face when you told her about us." Seiko giggled. Naomi blushed. "Yeah.." she mumbled. "What's wrong?" Seiko asked, looking at Naomi. "It's just. weird, going from friends to.. lovers." Naomi said. Seiko smiled. "I always loved you so.. this is kind of a relief." she said. Naomi smiled too. "I thought that you were just.. kind of a pervert." Naomi said, giggling. Seiko's expression changed dark. "But Naomi, I still AM a pervert!" Seiko giggled, climbing on top of Naomi. The girls laughed for a while until they were out of breath. Seiko, still on top of Naomi, smiled. "I love you.." she mumbled. Naomi smiled back. "I love you too.". Seiko brought her face closer to Naomi's again and kissed her.

Then a lot of shit happened kay..
I'm not going to write a lemon again.
But if you want me to, leave a comment 'bout that.. 0.0



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See ya in se next part!


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