Stay with me.

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Naomi looked at Seiko and smiled. "I'm so happy that you're back.." she whispered. Seiko smiled. "Uhm Naomi, I'm going to check on Yuka.." Satoshi said, laying a hand on her shoulder. Naomi nodded. "Is something wrong with Yuka?" Seiko asked. Naomi shook her head. "I will tell you the story."

Satoshi walked down the street towards Yuuya's house. It was already night. He rang the bell and Yuka opened the door. Satoshi looked and her and Yuka smiled. Behind her apeared Yuuya. Not as a ghost but as a human. Satoshi smiled back.

"Come in." Yuuya said, stepping aside. 'Come in?' Satoshi thought. He obeyed and walked inside. Yuuya pointed at a chair and Satoshi sat down. Yuuya sighed.

"We started on the wrong foot." he said. 'So he wants to talk?' Satoshi thought. "But, I like Yuka, so please, let me be with her." he said. Satoshi looked up. He sighed. "I saw how heartbroken she was, she really loves you too." Satoshi mubbeled. "So.. it's okay." he said, calm. Yuuya smiled. "Thank you." he answered, looking at Yuka. Yuka smiled to and hugged Satoshi. "I will always visit you, and I will always ca-" Yuka was cut of by Satoshi. "Okay okay okay!" he yelled, ruffeling her hair. "But I have to go now, Naomi is waiting." Satoshi said. Yuka smiled. ''Thank you..'' she whispered. Satoshi smiled back and left the house.

Satoshi opened the door and his friends where still there. ''I'm so happy for you too.'' Seiko said. ''For who?'' Satoshi asked, walking towards Naomi. ''You and Naomi, ofcourse!'' Seiko yelled with a smile. Satoshi smiled back. ''Well, it took some time..'' he mubbeled, thinking back at what happened. He hasn't seen Yume after what happened. 'I hope she's okay.' Satoshi thought. Seiko looked at the floor. ''Yeah, I heared what happened.'' she mubbeled. ''But Seiko, where are Suzumoto, Yui-sensei and Morishige?'' Naomi asked. ''I don't know.'' Seiko answered, looking at Naomi. ''And.. your mom, does she know that you're back?'' Yoshiki asked. Seiko giggled. ''She didn't know I was gone.'' she answered. After some more questions, Yoshiki looked at Ayumi. She was really quiet.

''Is something wrong?'' he asked, grabbing her hand. She looked at Yoshiki. "N..nothing, I'm just thinking about what that women said.." she mubbeled. Yoshiki hugged her. "Don't worry, I will find a way to fix it.." he mubbeled, calm. He looked at the others. "We will go now." he said, standing up. The others looked at them and nodded. Then the two left the house.

Yoshiki opened the door and walked inside. Ayumi still looked sad. She followed Yoshiki and sat on the chouch. He hugged her and she sighed. "I just don't want to lose two people.." she mubbeled. He kissed her cheek. "Maybe I don't die, your father didn't die either, well.. not then." he said. She looked at him. "Yes but, what if!" she yelled with tears in her eyes. "Don't worry.." he whispered, kissing her. She looked at him. "What if we just don't get a child.." she mubbeled. He looked at her. "T..that's a great idea!" he yelled, happy. He hugged her again and she hugged her back. "Now, let's go to sleep, it's been a long day." he said. She nodded and they went to bed.

The next morning Ayumi woke up with a weird feeling in het belly. And she felt really sick. Yoshiki woke up af looked at her. "What wrong?" he asked, looking at the pale, sweaty Ayumi. "I..I'm gonna puke!" she yelled, running towards the bathroom. Yoshiki ran after her and rubbed her back when she was puking. He kneeled down next to her. "Did you eat something wrong?" he asked. She shook her head. ", nothing weird." she stuttered, after she cleaned her mouth. She laid a hand on her belly. "It's like something is..inside." she mubbeled, looking at Yoshiki. " do you mean?" he asked. Ayumi looked down. "I.. can feel something.. moving." she stuttered.

" are you.. no it can't be, the last time we did it was really long ago!" Yoshiki yelled, confused. Ayumi walked towards the mirror and looked at herself. "It's bigger too.." she whispered. Yoshiki sat on the chouch, staring at the table. "No.. it can't." he mubbeled. He walked towards Ayumi. "When was the last time you got your period?" he asked. "Three days ago.." she answered. "Are you sure that you're pregnant?" he asked. She shook her head. "No but, I have a test here so.." she stuttered. "Take it." Yoshiki said, looking at her. She nodded af went to the bathroom.

Yoshiki waited in the livingroom. He sat on the chouch and Ayumi walked towards him. She shook her head. "Yes, I'm pregnant." she said. He looked at her. He saw that she had tears in her eyes. He walked towards her and hugged her. "It's that witch, she did this!" he yelled. Ayumi started to cry. "But I don't want to lose you and the baby!" she cried. "I'm going to that women." Yoshiki said, walking towards the bedroom. When he changed into his normal clothes, he walked outside. But before he did that he kissed Ayumi. "Please, be carefull." he whispered. Then he left the house.

He opened the door to the shop and looked around. "Back again, smart boy." the women said. "What the hell did you do to Ayumi?!" he yelled. The women chuckeled. "You thought that you was smart?" she said. "She's pregnant, and the baby will come early." After that you die and I get the baby!" she yelled, insane. "She's 16, don't do that to her!" he yelled. The women looked at him. "But you did this to her." she said. Yoshiki looked at her. " do you mean?" he asked. "You would give me everything." she answered. "You shouldn't have come to me in the first place." she said, leaving Yoshiki behind. He shook his head. "It is indeed me.." he mubbeled, leaving the shop.

When he got back home again he looked at Ayumi. "And?" she said. walking towards him. "You will get the baby.. and I will die." he mubbeled. She looked at him. "!" she cried, hugging him. "We will spend the time we have left together, okay?" he whispered. She nodded. He hugged her back. "Ayumi, you need to stay strong, for me and for the baby, it is still our baby." he mubbeled, kissing her cheek. "And it will alway be our baby, but he or she will live with that women." he said, looking at her. Then Ayumi fell to her knees.

"Aaah, it hurts!" she yelled. Yoshiki looked at Ayumi. "W..what hurts?!" he yelled, kneeling next to her. "My stumach!" she yelled. Yoshiki looked at her and saw her eyes were slowly closing "Ayumi, stay with me!" he yelled. Ayumi looked at him. "T..take care of the baby.." she mubbeled. "Ayumi!" he yelled.


Yeah, I know they weren't that stupid to get a child, so I needed to find another way :3
I'm so messed up.

But still,
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See ya in the next episode!


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