A new one (your choice!)

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-a couple of hours later-

Sakutaro sat on the bed. He was allowed to go home and Mayu smiled. "Let's go home together okay..or do you want to see Shinohara before we leave?" she asked. Sakutaro nodded. "I want to see how she's doing.." he whispered. Mayu nodded and sat down on the bed while Sakutaro walked towards Seiko's room.

He got in and Kyla, Naomi and Seiko looked at him. Seiko turned her head away and he walked towards the three, sitting down next to Naomi. He sighed and dropped his head.

"I'm so sorry Shinohara.." he whispered. Seiko bit her lip. "Go..I don't want you here." he said. Kyla felt bad for Sakutaro and sighed.

"Seiko..he's sorry okay, you can't be mad at him forever.." she said. Seiko kept looking away, not saying anything. Sakutaro got up again and wanted to kiss Seiko on the forehead but decided not to do it. He walked back to his room to pick up Mayu and they headed back home.

Satoshi left Yuka alone for a moment and entered Charlotte's room. She was alone because her sister had to leave. Charlotte was playing a game on her phone and didn't know Satoshi walked towards her. He laid his hand on her shoulder and she gasped, accidentally dropping her phone.

"I..Idiot!" she yelled, getting up. She'd let out a cry of pain and laid down again, her hand on her stomach. Satoshi's eyes widened and he grabbed her phone, giving it to her. "I..I'm sorry.." he whispered. Charlotte frowned.

"What are you doing here?" she asked rather cold. "I wanted to see if you were okay.." he answered. Charlotte's eyes widened and she laughed in disbelief. "You stabbed me, do you think I'm okay?!" she yelled. Satoshiki shook his head and grabbed her hands.

"I didn't want to stab you, try to be nicer sometimes!" he yelled. Charlotte sat up, pulling her hands back. "I am nice, you're the one who broke up with me for no reason!". He shook his head again. "You stabbed my best friend his girlfriend!". Charlotte's eyes widened.

"That sneaky little bitch.." she muttered. Satoshi clenched his fists. "Excuse me!" he said. "Sneaky little bitch?!". Charlotte sighed. "Calm down, she didn't tell you the whole story.." she whispered. Satoshi sat down again and Charlotte told him what really happened.

After she was done with the story, Satoshi's eyes widened. Charlotte pushed the sheets away and moved her dress up a bit, showing him the cut on her leg. "See.." she whispered. Satoshi stared at it and he sighed. "I'm sorry Charlotte.." he whispered. Charlotte smiled a bit and hugged him. "It's fine..".

Yuuya walked into the hospital towards the reception. "Hello, can I ask you a question?" he asked the nurse. She blushed and nodded. "Of course young man." she said, staring at him with half open eyes. "Which room is Yuka Mochida's room?" he asked. She looked down. "Is that your girlfriend..?" she asked. He shook his head. "That's my little sister." he lied. The nurse smiled again and began to search for the room.

"And what is your name?" she asked. He chuckled and grabbed her hand, kissing it. "I'm Yuuya Kizami." he said. The nurse blushed and bit her lip. "I'm sorry, but miss Mochida doesn't want to see you." she said. "But maybe..if no one sees, I can get you in there.." she said, still blushing. He smiled. "That would be amazing..". The nurse got up and brought him to the room, walking away again.

Yuuya walked in, noticing Satoshi wasn't with her and she was asleep. He sat down next to her bed, looking at her jaw. He leaned over and kissed it. Yuka blushed in her sleep and he kept kissing it until she woke up. She opened her eye and looked at him. "Yuuya..?" she asked, not freaking out. He smiled and nodded, lifting her and grabbing her bag. "I'm getting you out of this hospital.." he whispered. She nodded and fell asleep again. "Okay..".

Ayumi and Yoshiki laid in bed, both panting. "W..well this makes e..everything o..okay again.." he panted, giving Ayumi a kiss. Ayumi smiled a bit too. "I'm s..so glad Miki had the time t..to go to t..the park with R..Ryouta.." she said. He smiled and nodded, laying his hand on her stomach. "Be careful not to get pregnant again honey.." he chuckled. Ayumi giggled too.

"That would be too much of a good thing..".

Yuuya laid Yuka down in his bed and chuckled. She was still under the influence of the medication and didn't know Yuuya brought her to his house. After some time she fully woke up, yawning. She looked around and her eyes widened, knowing where she was.

"N..no, no!" she yelled, getting up. Yuuya heard her scream and walked towards the bedroom, opening the door. When she saw Yuuya, she screamed even harder. "No, stay away!" she yelled. He walked towards her, wanting to hug her. She shook her head and slapped his cheek. He laid his hand on his cheek and looked at her. "Yuka.." he whispered.

"This is the third time you've attacked me in one year!" she screamed. "I'm not crawling back again!". Yuuya's eyes widened. "I'm sorry baby..but you know I can't control myself..". Yuka clenched her fists. "You stabbed Shinohara multiple times, you broke my jaw, it hurts when I talk, I'll never forgive you!" she screamed, hitting him again.

His eyes got dark again. "Yuka.." he whispered again. "I'm taller than you, I'm stronger than you, I can easily kill you!" he screamed. Yuka smirked, not scared for him. "You can't kill me..because you care about me.." she smiled. "You could've killed me multiple times, even when the last thing happened..but you can't because you care about me..".

Yuuya raised his brow. "You think I care about you, you little brat.." he muttered, walking towards her until their bodies almost touched. He grabbed her chin and raised it, forcing her to look into his eyes. "You're right..".

Kyla and Naomi went home too and Kyla sighed. "That Sachiko girl..she messes everything up.." she muttered. Naomi nodded and lowered her eyes. "I hate her..".

Mayu and Sakutaro sat on the couch, watching tv. They where talking about Sachiko too. "That little brat can die in a fire.." Mayu said. Sakutaro nodded and they heard a soft cry behind them. Mayu sighed. "Go change our little baby boy.." she whispered. Sakutaro was about to get up until he remember their 'little baby boy' was not here.. his parents took him.

"Mayu..remember what I told you about him..?" he asked. Mayu's eyes widened and she stared at her legs. "Uhm..who is it than..?" she asked. Sakutaro turned around and saw the little brat that could die in a fire. His eyes widened and he got up.

Sachiko was crying and she didn't look as scary as usual. This was the good side.. The side with the not messy hair and the white dress. Sakutaro walked towards her and kneeled down, laying his hand on her shoulder.

"I..I'm so sorry..!" she cried, her hands on her face. Sakutaro frowned a bit, hugging the girl to comfort her. "Hey Sachiko..what's wrong..?" he asked. Mayu heard the name Sachiko and gasped, too scared to turn around. "I..I'm sorry Mayu f..for being a little brat!" she cried harder.

Sakutaro shook his head. "Why are you here..?" he asked. Sachiko looked at him with a tear stained face. "I..I lost all the control in Heavenly Host a..and now they're going to choose a n..new Sachiko!" she cried, tears rolling down her cheek.

"A new Sachiko?!"

Yes guys, a new Sachiko! Who do you want it to be >:3 You guys can choose:

Mayu Suzumoto.
Charlotte Bunzaj. (Aka me x3)
Ayumi Shinozaki.
Yuka Mochida.
Naomi Nakashima.
(I don't think Kyla wants x3)
And Seiko Shinohara~~~!

Choose wisely >:3

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See you in the next chapter!


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