Uncertain emotions

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                  (Scott's POV)

Thank Aeor I didn't say anything. She would've thought I was scared, weak or even weird, and she'd probably go and tell everyone.

I shut my door and go back into my house. A feeling of guilt hits me hard and before I could think I fall to the floor.

Tears fall down my face carelessly as my hands start to feel cold (unusual).

"Why?" I shout through my tears.

Why me? Why was I given this life? Why can my friends just be all happy and normal but I have to be all different and hopeless. It isn't fair!

"Scott~" A familiar voice says. Now I am going crazy. What else am I going to be next?

"Why are you so sad?"

I stand up quickly. That sounds way too real. I frantically look around. Nothing. No one.

The voice sounded just like Xornoths. Way too much like his for it to be fake. I don’t know if I should feel confused or gald.

"Hello?" I whisper and rub the tears away from my eyes. "Xornoth?" I ask.

Maybe I am going crazy. I just want him to be here. I want to undo everything that I ever did to him. For us to just live happily without knowing that we fought and betrayed.

Yep, I definitely am going crazy.

I begin to walk up the stairs with the feeling of blame still following me. A one-word question seemed to haunt my mind. 'Why?'

"You did this to yourself, brother."

I stop. I make no sound except from the shaky breaths that leave my mouth. I stand there for a long time and let thoughts run through my mind. I sigh.

"Where are you?" I finally ask.

No reply. I look down at the crystal on my neck and hold it tightly in my hand. It feels warm and makes me feel lightheaded, which I do not like. As if it is pulling you closer to its wrath.

"So I'm guessing you can talk through this thing then." I let it fall back around my neck and walk into my bedroom.

                  The next day.

                   (Gems POV)

The feast preparation went well! Me Katherine, Shrub and Scott all set it up in a perfect spot in Rivendell.

We all had fun annoying Scott and proving to each other that he is not all scary and cold hearted. Shrub had to keep going back to her empire to get all the things she forgot to the point where Katherine had to follow her to help.

The feast would be held in 1 day and it was my job to write the invitations, probably because I have the best handwriting (obviously).

Katherine's handwriting is pretty and neat but not as good as mine (and she is really busy right now).

Shrubs handwriting is way too small for any of us to read without using a microscope.

And Scott is apparently too used to writing in Elvish meaning quite a few things make no sense at all.

Therefore, my handwriting is the best!



We would like you to attend a feast hosted in Rivendell tomorrow at 4pm. Meet at the main entrance.

This feast is to celebrate the win of a deadly battle 6 emperors fought in recently against the demon we all know as Xornoth.

We hope you attend as it is disrespectful to not celebrate a wonderful day.

Sincerely yours, Geminitay of Crystal Cliffs.


That should be good! If someone doesn't show up they know exactly who they're messing with.

Now all I need to do is send the letters and get ready for tomorrow!

Luckly, I heard Fwhip wanted to make an announcement to all 12 emperors so this would be the perfect time to do so! As long as it’s a good announcement of couce. But it's Fwhip, this announcement could be anything.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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