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"Shi Qingxuan! Shi Qingxuan!" Xie Lian yells running after the Snow White cat. Shi Qingxuan like a cat themselves would, doesn't stop when called.

Typical feline instincts.

"Shishi!" He yells again this time much more desperate. The cat pauses this time and turns around staring bright blue eyes piercing into him. Xie Lian pants as he catches up. Almost collapsing onto the ground. "Shi- Shi!" He complains. "You run far to fast for me and you know it. My legs are like jelly. I can't feel my lungs-"

The cat just sits down cleaning a paw. 'If you're tired transform and I'll carry you.' They say simply. Xie Lian pouts at that. "But you carry me in your mouth!" He whines. "I'm not your baby. Plus I get your drool on me and then you clean it off." He shivers. "Always feels weird."

Shi Qingxuan looks unimpressed placing their paw down. 'I'm centuries older than you little one. I think you easily class as my baby, now come hurry up. I'll even transform too so you can sleep on my back. We have quite the way to go and the suns setting.' They say glancing to the distance.

Xie Lian grumbles looking around the forest here was still very sparse. Visitors were common and eyes were everywhere. "What if someone sees you jiejie? They'll call animal control! I could loose you! I'm not powerful enough to save you!"

Xie Lian's worries go ignored or unheard. Most likely the first knowing the familiar. The cat shakes it's body growing larger until black stripes start to grow on their sides. Wrapping around in even bands.

'You worry to much Lianlian. Like the people we bought this place off said. No one in their right mind would come around here. We'll be fine now hurry up.' They says finishing their transformation into their larger form of a crystal white tiger.

Shi Qingxuan lets out a yawn, shaking off the stiffness. 'Xie Lian come. Now.'

Xie Lian sighs taking his backpack off and transforming down. 'I thought you were my familiar, not the other way around.' He mutters.

Suddenly the world feels very large. And Xie Lian feels like jumping around a lot in the falling leaves. He almost does too except Shi Qingxuan snaps him out of it with their squeal.

'Oh look how sweet! My little baby~' Shi Qingxuan coos. 'Come little one. Come here.' They says happily waiting for the tiny creature. 'Stop it...' Xie Lian said climbing the tigers back leg to perch on their back.

Being so small has its ups and down he thinks. Then snuggling down he sighs content. This is an up. A very big up. 'I'm camouflaged up here Shishi!' He giggles chittering away in his animal form. Instincts stronger from his tiredness. He flicks his tail lazily watching it disappear in Shi Qingxuan's fur.

His animal form. His one and only animal form. The supposed form of the most powerful witch and yet... well it's not exactly what was expected.

A gift from his familiar Shi Qingxuan. Unfortunately his animal wasn't exactly as powerful as he'd hoped and he ended up as a sleek and charming, very cute and slightly off hinged, white ferret.

Shi Qingxuan absolutely loved his animal form. And loved to groom him and carry him around no matter what. Xie Lian really did become their baby the moment the form was gifted. And they begged constantly for Xie Lian to use it all the time.

Xie Lian however tried to use it as little as possible.

However it was good for hiding, and biting and scratching. He fort many animals for wild berries using his claws. But then again it may have been the huge white tiger that looked over him that scared them away...

'Off we go.' Shi Qingxuan says taking up a run. Xie Lian levitates his backpack along side them as he rests. A simple spell that takes little energy and is easy to maintain. A perfect fit for his current condition.

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