When Xie Lian wakes up it's in his bed, head resting gently on a pillow and quilts pulled up to keep him warm in the crisp autumn breeze. His eyelashes flutter open with the setting suns golden light brushing against him.

He's almost positive he didn't walk himself up here and Shi Qingxuan has been gone since this morning, to god knows where, besides they don't have a human form right now.

So that would leave...

"Oh my!" The witch squeals covering his face with both hands. His cheeks heat up as he flushes. "What am I going to do with him!" He mumbles shaking his head.

Clearly San Lang has carried him up and tucked him in. What's he going to do with that man! As mortified as he is. The longing of his heart that spikes at someone caring enough is honestly painful.

Uncovering his face he glances out the window to the setting sun. His face softens all tension bleeding out as he lets it's fading warmth wash over him.

Oh to be mortal again.

He'd love to look out and know that one day the sun will set without him alive to see it. To be forced to savour each moment. Engrave it in his mind. To have a limit. To know his limit...

Alas his mind is far to cramped. Things he used to know have been lost to time. And he very rarely finds himself able to properly reminisce the past.

It's always ruined like the old films he took many years ago. Dusty and burnt. The gaps only grow.

At least his last days are upon him now. Or they should be. The moon can only do so much and-

"The dance!" He shrieks. Jumping out of the bed. How could he forget such a thing!?

Xie Lian steadies his heart and kneels down on the floor. Focusing his sparse energy he places his hands in a triangle to his chest. Thumbs together at the bottom and fingers joined to a point at the top.

He takes in three deep, steady breaths before exhaling sharply thrusting his hands out until the triangle breaks. His chest tingles as it glows a brilliant white and Xie Lian shudders poking a hand into it. The hand disappears as the witches mind focuses on what he's looking for.

When he's found it he pulls his hand back. It re-emerges holding a neatly wrapped package.

The glow fades and Xie Lian slumps back breathing heavily.

That gift of his is great but the fact he's unable to breath whiles it's in operation is rather troublesome. Especially if he's looking for one of the first things he put there.

After a moment he's able to sit up again and stare down at the package. It looks just like the day he placed it within himself. Not a speck of dirt. No sign of age. Just pristine white paper wrapped around fabric. And sealed with a blood red seal.

Xie Lian traces the pattern gently. His coven used to be so well known. So liked. He was going to be the next high priest following on from his mother. He had the grimoire. An item he treasures within himself. He's never looked or reached for it since the day it was placed within him but the knowledge it was safe kept his heart light.

Xie Lian sighs pulling the seal away and the paper back.

Cream and gold robes shine back at him. Lace and embellishments. Ruffles and soft silk.

It's almost year jerking if Xie Lian's being honest. That or he wants to scream in anger for what reason he's unsure.

Pulling out each layer he unfolded them shaking the creases away. And laying them on the edge of the bed. There's a certain sent that clings to the fabric that has Xie Lian's head pounding harshly blurry dancing figures waltz across his mind. Soft laughter and whispered words ghost his ears.

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