"Fuck. Fuck!" Fang Xin curses thrashing his way through the forest.

"Would you stop shouting! What is wrong with you?" Mu Qing says harshly.

"That man- fucking-"

Mu Qing sighs. "What Hua Cheng? I don't see why your so surprised. Sure I thought he'd died especially after the way Xie Lian reacted but dude's alive."

Feng Xin shakes his head. "No, that's not Hua Cheng. I smelt him! I smelt it! That's a fucking demon! I bet he's manipulating his highness. He's- oh god!" He panics. "Oh god Mu Qing!"

"What now?! I'm fed up of you rambling. Xie Lian's fine. Maybe he just made a deal with him."

Feng Xin turns red. "No chance. No way. That's a demon. Xie Lian never has and never will make a deal with them. It's like coven rule one!"

Mu Qing rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Just stop annoying me we came to kill a demon not Hua Cheng. Or Hua Cheng clone. Whatever it is I don't care. Xie Lian is safe alive and happy I'm not taking that away from him."

"But they did the marital dance!"

"They were going to get married. I'm not surprised."

"Xie Lian collapsed!"

"Yeah after he saw you spying on them."

"Hua Cheng is a demon!!"

"Well that's rather rude." A voice says from behind the two.

"Fuck we're dead! His highness is dead. Our coven is dead. Our jobs are dead!" Feng Xin wails. Mu Qing looks over to the man ignoring his partner. "Hua Cheng. Long time no see."

Hua Cheng frowns. "Unfortunately not long enough. Why are you in my territory." He commands. Mu Qing shrugs. "We were asked to kill a demon. Apparently one's been terrorising people around here."

Hua Cheng sighs. "I dealt with it." He says the two familiars in human form dragging close behind. "Ah look He Xuan these were Xie Lian's friends centuries ago." Shi Qingxuan points out still clinging to the hell hound. "Were? Past tense?"

Shi Qingxuan nods. "Yes after your masters death Xie Lian was so upset he had a huge power surge. He went on a less than kind banishment spree. And when he returned his coven had been destroyed. Burnt to the ground with his parents heads hanging above the gate." He Xuan grins. "Nice."

Shi Qingxuan sighs. "These two had escaped and survived but when they saw Xie Lian they were so angry that they blamed everything on him. So when a strange man came offering them their life and coven back in exchange for Xie Lian..." Shi Qingxuan drifts off.

"They tied him up and handed him over. And Xie Lian felt so bad he didn't even put up a fight." Hua Cheng spits bitterly.

"Since then Xie Lian's been slowly dying and he thinks is atonement. But in reality it's the price of these two's selfishness and greediness."

"You don't know what we went through!" Feng Xin yells. Mu Qing looks horrified. "Feng Xin! Didn't you listen just now?! Is your brain even working?! Hua Cheng just said Xie Lian's dying!"

Feng Xin pauses. "Dying? But he's immortal. Clearly this demon is lying to you." He draws his bow glaring. "Don't fall for it."

Shi Qingxuan sighs stepping forward between the two parties. "Okay okay. Everyone calm down." They say. "I'm sure you both remember me?" They ask brow raised. The kind of questions that you should say yes too.

Feng Xin lowers his bow. "Why are you protecting him?" Mu Qing steps forward nudging Feng Xin out the way. "You said Xie lian is in trouble, his power, what's going on? The only way for him to die is to loose his power."

Shi Qingxuan laughs. "That's true but, why should I tell you what you already know? You are the ones who gave him to that man. Did you really think a stranger could reverse time?" They asks.

He Xuan steps up to them. "Shi Qingxuan," He says. "What did they do? You're angry." Then glares the two strangers down. "We're all angry, why are you here? Go."

Mu Qing takes a step back.

"Good choice." He Xuan says.

Shi Qingxuan looks uncomfortable. "That man wouldn't bend the laws of the universe just for you too. Surely you thought of that? He didn't do this because he was kind. This whole thing was just an elaborate way to get rid of my baby and blame it on others. That man tied my Xie Lian up on an alter and struck him time and time again. 'Will you change' 'I won't!' 'WILL YOU CHANGE!?' 'I swear I won't!' " They quote.

"You say you've been through a hard time? You say that we don't understand? Well Xie Lian went through a hard time too. He was abused. Tortured. Manipulated. And what's worse is it happened because you didn't anted it and he let it."

Mu Qing shakes his head. "No." He says. "No why would he let it?"

Shi Qingxuan smiles dangerously. "Because he trusted you. He loves you. And he wanted you to be happy, to love him again. So eventually he snapped."

"And he selflessly broke the biggest law of all immortal craft history. He went back and turned back time." Hua Cheng says lowly.

"And he did that for you two." He says eye gleaming a murderous red. "He did it so you could have your precious home back. His home! But he's never get to enjoy it because since that day that demon has been sucking Xie Lian dry of power and there's nothing he can do but watch himself fade into nothing."

"But the high powers-"

"The high powers don't care. In their books Xie Lian is the one who broke the law. He's the one who turned back time. He's the one who's in the wrong."

Shi Qingxuan nods. "He's dying." They say. "He's dying and it's your fault." Then huffing. "I don't want to see you. Leave us. Don't come back here again." They say turning their back on the two. He Xuan growls lowly at them when the two remain still. "They said leave."

Hua Cheng laughs. "It's fine they're on my territory after all I could kill them and know one would know," then he frowns. "But that would make my beloved sad so instead I say this: you are herby forbidden from ever stepping foot on my territory again. If you ever return you will be ejected immediately."

Feng Xin who had been stuck in some sort of faze finally snaps out of it. "Ejected? How are you going to kick us out... demon?"

Hua Cheng grins and for the first time that night Mu Qing starts to believe Hua Cheng has in fact become a demon. "No it's like this." He says then flicks his hand in a shooing motion.

Mu Qing and Feng Xin wait tensely. Then just as they relaxed again Hua Cheng grin grew incredibly wider and the two were launched back at speed quite honestly dangerous.

"Bye bye~" Shi Qingxuan coos.

"And don't come back!" He Xuan yells.

"They will not be bothering us again." Hua Cheng says turning around. "Come, we're going back."

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