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When Shi Qingxuan finally reappeared later that evening, they find Xie Lian sitting on the porch. He's softly humming an old dancing tune. Swaying his head eyes closed. He seems dazed. Out of it. Perhaps thinking of times long past.

'Lianlian, are you reminiscing?' The feline says trotting over, back to an ordinary snow white cat instead of a huge tiger. Xie Lian pauses his tune opening his eyes gently. Lashes fluttering as his eyes focus once more.

Under the moon they seem to glow a brighter amber than anything the sun could bring. Xie Lian was truly a witch. The moon was his grounding and Shi Qingxuan couldn't wait for their master to be fully healed and back to his title of moon guardian.

"Perhaps," Xie Lian says staring off. "Though it's really not my fault when I believe an old acquaintance has come and found me."

Shi Qingxuan sits down next to the boy. "How old?"


"And they're a witch?" They ask.

Xie Lian sighs. "Not anymore." He quoted. "But once perhaps so."

Shi Qingxuan growls gently. "I don't like them. No person who isn't a high ranked immortal can live that long."

"I've lived that long." Xie Lian says sadly. "Yes but you are immortal." Shi Qingxuan reminds. "Not by choice." He counters pressing a hand to his chest. "This curse was placed upon me without consent. Even as a witch immortal life was never something I craved for. I just wanted to help people."

Shi Qingxuan nuzzles the boy's side, sensing his stress building. "I know, don't worry you have, and you do. Even if your stuck being alive at least you are not alone."

The witch humms. "Sometimes I feel it." Shi Qingxuan looks up 'loneliness?' Xie lian shakes his head. "The pull of another. Another being who is still attempting to find me."

Shi Qingxuan chunters. 'Haven't the mortals classed you as a myth now? A tail you tell on full moon nights?'

Xie Lian giggles. "They have. I've been reduced to very little in the none magic realm. Humans have no idea what goes on, on their doorstep. They live huddled together with short lives and no spark in their soul. It sounds terrible. But their short life makes me jealous."

'So you are lonely.' Shi Qingxuan states.

Xie Lian gets up looking back to the moon a finale time. "I'm not, but surely I should be." He says turning back to head inside. "Come Shi Qingxuan. There's demon on the wind."

Shi Qingxuan sniffs. 'I can't smell it.' They complain. Xie lian giggles. "That's because they're special. They don't smell horrid at all."

Shi Qingxuan glares judgingly. Much like a cat. 'You are infatuated?' Then huffing. 'Do not even think of such things. A demon is nothing compared to you. They don't deserve to live of off your power. They don't deserve to bond or create a contract and they certainly don't deserve to live.'

Xie Lian laughs gently locking the door and sealing it with deep magic. "You're hatred runs deep."

'And yours does not?'

"Ah well-" Shi Qingxuan huffs. 'You must stay away until you are able to fight well. What if it goes south?'
Xie Lian shakes his head. "I told you they don't smell like a demon." He says. 'Then how do you know they are one?' The feline counters. "I don't. That's why I trust them."

'Trust? You trusted a man before look where that got you.'

Xie Lian flinches. "I see." He says softly heading for the stairs. 'Xie Lian...' the feline calls. "Not it's fine." He calls back. 'Xie Lian wait I apologise. I was far to harsh. I only worry.'

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