San Lang takes a step forward Xie Lian mirroring the action and stepping back.

The moon beats down and Xie Lian feels his joints loosen up happily under its light.

San Lang bends low side stepping and spinning Xie Lian sharply with one hand. The boy follows closing his eyes to bask in the tradition he thought was long gone.

Over and over the two spin and in time to Xie Lian's singing. Over and over San Lang dips the boy. The two make good use of the open land sweeping around the clearing.

So caught up in the magic of it all Xie Lian doesn't realise just how much magic he's gaining from the dance. Wave after wave is being absorbed. San lang breaks the hold stepping back as Xie Lian twirls.

The witch glows, a soft white light around him, feet lifting off the air as he continues his dance. Like a true angel. A god even.

San lang grins lifting himself up to match. The two stand opposite each other, bow low to the left. Low to the right. Look up at the beautiful full moon take a deep breath in then bow to each other before sweeping over and getting gently back into hold.

The two dance like fairies on clouds. Feet pacing out each delicate step. Clothes fluttering at each timed spin. No matter how fact Xie Lian dances his voice remains steady. The song unfaltering. San Lang will step smoothly while Xie Lian will take small fluttering steps. San Lang will spin them one two-three. One two-three.

Xie Lian's foot always pointed. Frame leaning back when in hold.
Then come what Xie Lian finds most fun. A part where you spin on the balls of your feet not even taking proper steps. San Lang roots his left foot down and Xie Lian follows will his right. Their hold tightens and Xie Lian leans back creating a beautiful arch.

San Lang leads like always spinning forward with Xie Lian then anchoring his right foot he mimics the action again.

Xie Lian knows he's smiling as he sings. He knows the laughter in his song carries. And he hears San Lang huff happily as they gain speed. Left foot spin. Right foot spin. Left foot. Right foot.

The two look like dancers out of a music box. And if either of them were focused they'd notice the eyes trained on them.

Far away in the edge of the forest stand two beings. Both captivated by the site.

Xie Lian opens his eyes happily as they spin over and over. He feels San Lang prepare for the third phase of the dance.

Xie Lian's song softens into a humm and the two break away to face one another. They raise their hands mirror to each other. Take a step forward then back. Xie Lian glances teasingly over his shoulder as he turns his back to the other. Then his steps faulted. His eyes blow wide and his humming stops.

He pulls it together almost immediately but it was long enough for san lang to notice.

"Gege?" He questioned coming up behind the other grappling his right hand. "Nothing." Xie Lian says shaking his head. "Shall we?"

San lang looks less that convinced.
"Xie Lian." He says more sternly. The boy shudders. "San lang, I- we're being watched."

The boy humms. "I'm aware. They've been captivated by you for the past phase." Xie Lian pinches his brows. "San lang! and you didn't tell me?" He whines taking a side step and spinning. "I thought it best not to mention it on gege's special night."

Xie Lian giggles twirling. "Ah my Dan lang is so considerate of this evening."

The man nods. Pulling the other into a much different hold. One hand resting hight up on the witches back the other around his low waist.

Xie Lian flushes. "S-san lang isn't this-!" San lang nods. "Come now. Let us begin." He says clicking his fingers.

A soft melody starts to place and Xie Lian's head throbs painfully at the sound. It was so familiar. Had he danced to it before? Xie Lian's hand rests on his shoulder and one caresses the back of his head.

"I'm rusty, I hope you won't mind."
He says softly. San lang chuckles. "But you've danced this dance to this song before. Many moons ago." He says. Xie Lian's amber eyes glow as his power swirls. "San lang who are you?" He asks. "Who are you to me?"

San lang grins, tiny fangs on display. "How about asking them?" He says spinning them clothes to the spies. "From the looks of it they know exactly what's going on."

Xie Lian almost cries. "Imagine. My past and present in one place." San Lang waltzed them away again. "They're not the same as they used to be." He informs. "They hunt demons now. In your name."

Xie Lian's eyes do prick at that. "But I never?!" He wails. "Shhh I know your highness. You're far to kind. If only I'd found you sooner. I wouldn't have let that happen."

"San Lang how on earth where you to know? San Lang how do you know?"

The man continues the dance. "Someone holds me save and warm. Someone rescues me from the storm. All these things that should be shared are only held by me alone."

Xie Lian's head give another painfully thud. "I- I-"

"Hold tight to me. We're almost finished with the ceremony." Xie Lian listens drawing the man close.

"I know you." Xie Lian whispers. "You do." San Lang replies.

"I've known you my whole life."

"You have."

"San Lang..." Xie Lian whispers.

The two faces in the forest go pale. "Hay isn't that-" the other cuts him off "The marriage dance of XianLe coven!"

The two almost burst through and blow their cover at that. "Fuck! I thought we were dealing with a demon. Not witches from our past!"

"Shut up Feng Xin, look at the one in red. He's no witch. Not anymore at least."

The man Feng Xin glances at them. "Hay see the other? The one in white... doesn't that look like-"

"Don't be ridiculous, I refuse to believe he's still out there."

"But Mu Qing- look at him that's dianxia's formal dress! The rumours were right! He's alive! Mu Qing look!"

"Stop it! You fool don't do that to yourself, it's clearly not. Why would he be with a demon? Why would he be dancing the marital dance with one? It's clearly a trap. They know we're here."

"Why are they here San Lang? Why are you here?"

"I will be wherever you are." San Lang replies. "I always have and always will. It's my duty. It's my first command. It's my choice. Gege..." he whispers. "I've been searching for so long. Now that I have you... no matter how painful it is that you don't k ow me I will not leave. I will not give up!"

"San Lang!" Xie Lian cries. "Why put yourself through that?! I'm both that special. I'm not anything! I have no power. I have no strength. I have-

"Love, trust, strength, power, you will have all of it. I will help you find a way. Dianxia," he says dropping to one knee. "I will be at your command forever." There's a look that glazes over San Lang's eyes. And Xie Lian gasps.

The witch takes shaky steps back covering his mouth. "No way- no way!" He cries falling to the floor. "Gege!" San Lang calls floating down after him. "Gege what's wrong?"

Xie Lian can barely speak as tears threaten his eyes. "H-h-" the other grasp him pulling him into a tight hug. "It's alright. I'm here."

Xie Lian nods. "You are. San Lang- your lier." He laughs as his tears run free. "I would never lie!" The man says offended. "Not to you."

Xie Lian pulls back. Is that right? Are you sure?" He says happily. "Gege! What's wrong?" San Lang asks again. "I'm so happy. I thought I'd lost you-" he hiccups. "You know they showed me your body. You weren't moving at all. You hade no magic. No pulse. Oh gods-!" Xie Lian wails. "Hua cheng!"

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