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So this is my story of how I've been on the run for a year and how I met the most amazing and welcoming families and everything that's happened, going on and/or possibly will happen in my life.

Hi, my name is Scarlet Victoria Edwards-Kishil. I was given the name Anastella Rozene Kishil at birth by my mother and named after her. Well in first and last name only, we have different middle names. I am 18 years old about 178lbs (I'm more muscled than normal and 16 by the end of this story (18 by the end of all my books.)), I have bright red butt length hair, semi-pale skin, My right eye is purple and my left eye is green. I am 6'5" on two legs and in wolf form I'm 7 foot. My wolf has a beautiful deep/bright red fur, black and pink nose with black tipped ears and tail, My wolf eyes are: my right is a deep ocean blue and my left is a bright golden yellow. I was born in Ontario, Canada on January 14, 1988. My Mother's name was Anastella Aaoka Alaruk-Kishil, twin sister to Allison Alaruk. My mom had Black Shoulder length hair and brown eyes, she was 6'8" and a very loving, caring and protective !yet stern mother.

My mother rarely spoke of my biological father after getting married in 1990 to my step-father Jason Connor Kishil a Quileute like my mother. Before they got married they had my brother Erick Jasper Kishil in 1989. After they got married they had two more boys Tyler Ethan Kishil in 1999 and Peter Paxil Kishil 2000. They were wolves they were able to handle all us younglings, plus being a hybrid I learned to do things very quickly and as I got older I was able to help my parents with my siblings. Erick and I are very close and still keep in touch the oldest male of the pack outed Erick and I from the pack. Erick moved to Riverside, California and I was all alone. My step-father was a loving man. He loved me like I was his own, he was never abusive in any way. He taught me everything I know. How to fish, hunt, change a tire everything he taught his sons to do he taught me.

When I was 10 I learned I had powers or abilities given to me from my father. These powers are what I believe to be the reason he is hunting me as well as the reason the Volturi is as well. Let me tell you about my father before I get into that. My father has Ginger hair and a heterochromia of blue and green, he's 6'5" and weighs about as much as I do being as he's a vampire. No he doesn't glitter. My father's ability is Tactile Telepathy and Relationship Identification. Yeah you can see why he's dangerous for me. He met my mother in the winter of 1987 and seduced her. My mother had just moved to Canada and didn't know her way around. Now before you ask yes all of my family has American Citizenship as well as Canadian as we own a summer home in Forks, Washington. Back to my father, he left after seducing my mother so he wasn't around while I was growing up.

I mentioned I have abilities. I have both Passive and Active abilities, I will explain how I control their use so that I'm not overwhelmed. These are: Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Telepathy, Subjective Precognition (others), Pathokinesis, Mental Shield, Tactile Thought Projection, Shield Penetration, Happiness Induction, Mental Invisibility, Sensory Deprivation, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentment, Tracking Sense (Limited), Physical Attraction, Pain Illusion, Aversion Field, Visual Projection, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Elemental Manipulation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation (Limited), Self-Preservation, Power Transferal, and a Various Kinesis Powers. Some I get later in my story. I'll divulge them at that time.

I was born with Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Telepathy, Tactile Thought Projection, Mental Shield and Shield Penetration, Power Transferal, Tracking Sense and Various Kinesis powers that no vampire has. Let me explain these to you and how i use them and control them first before getting into the other powers I have.

So for Tactile Telepathy, Just like my father and the Volturi Aro, they can touch someone and know their thoughts and its a constant thing all the time. Mine is a bit more controlled, I can do it when I want to. So a little more on TT (Tactile Telepathy), I can see EVERY thought someone has ever had upon physical contact with them should I chose to. The longer I have that contact the more I am able to see. However I can see Bella's if I chose to because of my Shield Penetration (SP). I chose not too, too much Edward.

Relationship Identification (RI) is kinda self-explanatory, but here is the actual definition for ya. I can sense relationships between people. I can also sense the relationships strength and weaknesses, and can also tell who would betray one another. The Volturi Marcus can also do this.

Telepathy (TPH) allows me to hear/see the thoughts of other People, whether they're Vampire, human, werewolf, except for Bella Swan, and to a lesser extent Charlie. This behaves like an extra sense and unlike Edwards where he cant control his, I can hear the people I want to, though I have learned how to use it. When I want to i can hear groups at a time. The closer or more familiar that person is to me the better and clearer i can hear them. A stronger bond allows me to hear them from a greater distance, though no greater than a few miles. Like Edward and Alice, my ability works better with vampires as well as werewolves. I can also keep track of people within a few miles telepathically.

Tactile Thought Projection (TTP) Is the opposite if Edwards and my own telepathy. I can project my thoughts into others by making physical contact with them if I so chose.

Mental Shield (MS), much like Bella I too have a mental shield. Unlike Bella I did have to work my shield strength up, I did very quickly. By the age of 13 it was as strong as Bella is. It was working for me without my knowledge till I was 10 then I was strengthening it and it works stronger without me having to force it. It protects me from "gifts" that affect the mind. Much like Bella, Neither Edward, Aro can't read my mind, Jane can't cause me pain and Kate can't shock me unlss I let them. Through practice, I learned I could project my shield, much like Bella can, to protect others causing them to become immune to mental gifts. Although at first it was hard to maintain the coverage of others, but soon I was able to cover a great distance and a large number of people. I can expand, retract, shape and mold it at will, virtually blanketing myself and those I'm protecting. Although this is much more tiring I can lift the mental shield off altogether.

Shield Penetration (SP) is the opposite of my Mental Shield. I have the power to break through mental shields and either read their minds or project thoughts.

Power Transferal (PT) I can take another Vampire's power through touch, basically I make a copy of the power and can use it for myself, or I can take a copy and keep for myself as well as give it to someone else.

Tracking Sense (TS) I can find anyone anywhere in the state I'm in once I've been in their presence and use TT. I can faintly track Bella, very faintly. i can predict the most probable movement due to another ability I have even though it changes. I can feel a "pull" in the direction of my target but it takes a long time to narrow down.

I'm just going to name the Kinesis then I can reveal them later. These Kines powers are: Telekinesis, Omni-Kinesis, Cosmic Kinesis, Absolute Telekinesis, Telekinetic Godhood, finally Almighty Telekinesis. I will go into more detail on these later.

So you see these were the "gifts" I was born with. I will get into the ones I "copied" when it happens and who I transferred them from.

I was very gifted from the start so if I seem Over Powered.... I'm not. Using some of these powers tire me out and or cause me to be down for several days and I cannot use some while in Wolf form. Now my passive abilities.

The passive ones are:

Speed (SPD), I am gifted like Edward with Advanced speed I am faster than any other Cullens except Edward. I can outrun a newborn Vampire if running at full speed.

Beauty (B), I am incredibly beautiful surpassing Heidi and Rosalie. My family would tell me I'm very beautiful. I can compel people to do what I want using this.

Strength (SGH), I am stronger than Emmett and Felix. I do have a weakness against a newborn Vampire.

Compassion (C):, I am Extremely compassionate towards humans which allows me to resist their blood. If I taste it then I only affet those who are evil.

Passion (P), I love the people that are around me very much which causes me to easily to show my affection.

Fighting (F), I am really good at Physical Combat and I am several steps ahead of them.

Self-Control (S-C), I am able to have extreme self-control and concentration unlike some newborn vampires. I am a Vegetarian.

Singing Voice (SV), I've been told my singing voice is very beautiful.

There this may seem like a lot and a bit overwhelming but I come from, at least on my fathers side a long line of talented Vampires and I just happen to be the one that got all of the family powers. I think this is why I am being hunted. I'm rare.

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