twenty one

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The worst, most mortifying thing I think I have ever done, was walk out of a public bathroom after getting fingered. Now, don't get me wrong, hearing that Thomas had been found was a good thing, but I was still a little pressed at the reminder that several men listened in as I got finger fucked. Then, not even a minute later, they were in the bathroom with us.

As the bathroom door opened, I stood behind Vaughn's behemoth self to try and cover myself out of peoples line of vision, because I was scared they were going to laugh, or pat Vaughn on the back in a congratulatory remark. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that no one said a thing, matter of fact, they acted like they didn't hear anything, which made feel better.

I looked up at Vaughn as Rich walked in, and watched as he ran a hand over his jaw. It was out of context, but I couldn't help but think how hot Vaughn look in his lil' business mode.

"Where's he at?" Vaughn asked, and Rich responded immediately, "He's in the basemen. They found him in New York trying to hide out at an old family friends house, they picked him up from there."

I began trying to rack my brain, trying to recall if I've ever heard Thomas mention family from New York, when Vaughn and Rich began speaking so lowly that I couldn't hear. I was feeling nosy, and was about to turn my hearing aid up when Vaughn turned back toward me, "Let's go."

Oh great, now someones in a foul mood.

He took my hand and led me out of the building and to the familiar SUV, and as to be expected, the drive home was pretty awful. I could tell Vaughn was stressed, or pissed, I wasn't sure, and it was making me slightly irritated as well. He was being so distant with me even though I had just shared a part of myself with him. But then after a few moments of contemplation, I decided instead of stressing him out more, I'd talk about it with him later, and just settled on turning the radio on.

We weren't home until a little after midnight, and as soon as we walked into the house, Vaughn made a beeline straight toward the basement door. Rich and a few other men went down first, and he was about to join them, but he must've noticed that I was hot on his coattails He turned toward me, "Briar, go up to our room and I will be up there in a little bit, baby."

He turned to follow everyone down the steps, and I let out a sarcastic snort, "Um, no."

He turned back toward me, quirking an eyebrow, "Excuse me? No?" He repeated my words to me, and I let out another dry, humorless laugh, "No. I want to go down to the basement with you."

It wasn't like I wanted to see Thomas get terrorized, but I figured I could try and help get things sorted. Plus, was it an added reward to see Thomas get knocked around a little? Sure, he did do me dirty after all.

He shook his head, "Briar, it's not happening. You don't need to see or hear any of that shit."

I took his hand in mine and moved closer to him, his chest to my head, because the man was a literal giant, "I want to go in, and besides, I don't want to leave you after what just happened." I told him, a blush rising to my cheeks. He knew instantly what I was talking about, and let out a dramatic sigh whilst pinching the bridge of his nose, "I can't be lenient in front of my men, baby. And you may not like what gets said or done. Remember how worked up you were about Jordan Anforth?" He asked, and I nodded, "I was, but I'll be quiet. I promise." I held up my pinky, and he connected his finger to mine, "Alright. Let's go."


Walking down into the basement with Briar by my side was one of the challenges I didn't think about when she became a part of my life. Technically, my whole life, but that was a thought for another time.

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