thirty nine

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It was Christmas morning at the Beaumont estate. It also happened to be the day I was shot at my own wedding, and I had a feeling I was never going to live that one down.

But even worse than that, my whole first Christmas celebration as a wife I was in bed. And then to add the cherry on top, I was just enough pain to be uncomfortable, without it being overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, overall I still felt pretty terrible.

My whole body ached now that I was finally off the serious pain medicine and just on Tylenol and Ibuprofen, but it made me feel better to be consciously aware of my surroundings.

And it helped a lot that Vaughn was there, being overly attentive and catering to me every chance he got. And while I loved the man more than life itself, he was being just a tad overbearing.

Then I had to remind myself he watched his wife get shot at a wedding, so I wasn't all that hard on him.

And thankfully Vaughn actually let me get out of bed for the first time today, well for the first time that didn't end with me peeing in front of him, or getting a painful sponge bath.

But I was out of the bedroom, and that felt great. Unfortunately though, Kreps was right. My arm was in a bulky sling, but I was determined to be cheerful, considering it was Christmas.

When I went downstairs, after bickering with Vaughn, and swating away his hands because my legs worked fine, I saw the massive, colorful Christmas tree that wasn't there before.

The main thing I learned over the three holidays spent here, was that Vaughn wasn't a huge decorator. So that must've meant he hired someone to plan and carry out the decorations, because the large pine tree was lit up with white lights and different colored ornaments giving a very neutral, yet christmasy vibe.

There were several boxes underneath, and a few stockings meticulously placed on the massive fireplace. I'm not embarrassed to admit the squeal I emitted when I saw all that he had done, or payed someone to do. tomato-tomatoe.

After forcing Vaughn take multiple selfies with the cats and I, I made a cup of coffee, and settled on floor next to the white couch Vaughn was already sitting in. We watched for a few minutes as the cats playing with the wrapping paper, and Vaughn handed me my first gift to open.

I couldn't stop the beaming smile on my face if I tried. "I've never gotten a Christmas present before." I smiled up at him as I shook the box next to my ear, and his face dropped into it's usual scowl, "You haven't?"

"No," I shook my head, "My mom died when I was young, and afterward my dad and I never celebrated Christmas. And I've never really had a boyfriend, or even a friend who gave me a gift. So this would be my first."

It didn't really make me all that upset because I never knew any different. I knew that other kids received presents and candy, and got to see families during the holiday. But I just never did.

He grabbed my face in a firm hole, and planted a kiss on my forehead, "I'm glad that I can show you these things." He told me, and I let out a smile as I began unwrapping my first present.

As I opened the pristine christmas themed wrapping paper from the large box the best I could with one hand, I saw there was a orange box with a logo I'd never seen before.

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