twenty six

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My face turned rigid as I spit the words back at Rich, "What the fuck do you mean Oliver is gone?"

He took a step back, "We sent people to Oliver's house to collect him, and when they went to arrest him, he was already gone. His wife and kids too." He explained, and I shook my head, leaning back against the metal table, "That's impossible. He had no idea we had Thomas, or that we were even after him. He didn't know he needed to run." I thought out loud, and Rich shrugged, adverting eye contact, "He must've got word that you found Thomas and connected the dots. It wasn't like he came back here willingly, one of Oliver's associates in New York probably saw Thomas' abduction and reported it back to him. He knew he was next."

I ran a hand over my jaw, trying to gather my thoughts. There is no way Oliver knew I had Thomas, but even if he did, he didn't know about Briar. So how did he know to run?

It seems we have a little rodent in our midst.

"Fuckin' find him. Soon." I told Rich, and he dipped his head, "If I may, Vaughn?" Rich requested, and I nodded for him to continue on.

He inhaled a deep breath, "I don't think you should go after him." 

"Excuse me?" I asked, and Rich held up his hands, "Now hear me out." He began, "Is this girl, need I remind you, not your wife, someone worth starting a feud in the family for?" He asked, and I clenched my fists. "All he he wants is the girl, yes?" He asked, "So, give him her. You will make peace within the family again, and you will also solve your issue with what to do with her. The way I see it, it's a win win." He nodded his head, making it seem like this was coming from his need to aid me, not in his need for Briar to be gone. 

I took a deep breath to tried to refrain from wrapping my fingers around his slender neck. Instead, I gritted my teeth, "I will not tell you again that Briar is an off limits discussion." 

"Don I-" He began to interrupt, but I held up my finger to silence him. 

"I will choose her over anything and everyone. No hesitation. And if I hear your recommendation on Briar again, I'll fucking kill you." I sneered, and he nodded his head, before scurrying out of the basement. 

When I went upstairs and walked into our bedroom, I saw my beautiful girl sitting on our wearing one of my shirts that swallowed her whole. She was leaned back against the headboard, and holding one of Penelope's kittens. As I walked closer toward her, the incessant thoughts and worries went away. Everything felt right in that moment. She felt right. 

My eyes roamed over her delicate frame, traveling down to between her spread thighs. Her shirt was bunched around her waist, showing her panties that were taut tight over her.

"Put the cat down." I told her, running my hand over my jaw as she looked up at me with a playful smile, "You're awfully bossy tonight." She teased, and I went to take the cat away from her, but she quickly stood from the bed, before placing the cat outside of the bedroom door.

Once she shut the door behind her, she turned back toward me. I could see her mind was racing a mile a minute as she bit her cheek in her mouth. She cautiously reached down to grab the hem of the shirt, pulling it off and over her head, exposing her satin top and matching panties to me.

I swallowed thickly as I took in her beautiful body, but stood rooted to my spot. She approached me, running her slender finger along my chest, "You going to keep your promise?" She whispered her question up at me, her throat rolling as she nervously swallowed.

"Always." I told her, as I slowly began to take off her cream colored top, revealing her perky breasts, and nipples that that were tipped a feminine color of pink.

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