Part 1

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Steve slammed his locker shut. It was third period, gym class. He'd grown to hate spending an hour being basically beaten up by Billy Hargrove. He never understood why the other boy seemed to hate him so much, when they barely even knew each other. He ran a hand through his hair and slung his bag over his shoulder.

He got to the change room, noticing that Billy hadn't shown up yet. He shook his head. He didn't care if Hargrove was there or not, he was an asshat. He pulled his polo shirt off and shoved it in his bag. He heard a whistle, and froze. His head swiveled towards the sound. Billy leaned against the door frame, admiring his bare chest. Steve blushed. They were the only ones in the room, since Steve always got there early so he could change in privacy. Steve's heart raced, and his palms started to sweat. Out of fear of course, nothing else.

Saying Billy was attractive would be an understatement. He had curly blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He always wore his shirts with two buttons undone, revealing more of his chest then probably respectable. But he was a jackass. He bullied anyone who got in his way, he'd slept with almost every girl, and a couple boys too, at school, and he almost always had a cigarette in his mouth. Even the teachers were terrified of him.

"You look funny." Billy said, but a kind smile played on his lips, almost as if he were flirting, in a way. "Paint me like one of your French girls!" Steve made a funny pose, and Billy laughed. Like, genuinely laughed. Steve was surprised, but laughed with him. The laughter stopped when people started filling the room, and Billy went back to his serious asshole face. Steve was kind of disappointed. He found a strange joy in the smiles and laughter he'd pulled from the boy.  What? No. He was a jerk. Steve didn't care about him.

He shook his head and finished changing. "See ya on the court princess." Billy bumped him on the shoulder on his way out, and Steve couldn't help the butterflies from swarming in his stomach. You see, despite Billy being an asshole, Steve had somehow managed to develop an extremely inconvenient crush.

Almost an hour later, Steve stepped onto the court, his breath racing. Billy stood across from him, dribbling the ball with one hand, a smirk on his face. They ran at each other, but Billy didn't dodge fast enough and their shoulders bang together. Steve stuck his foot out right as he fell, and Billy fell on top of him. He rolled over so Billy was straddling him. He gulped, the butterflies making their return. His heart gave a little flutter as Billy gave him his special kind smile. It quickly faded as he stood and smirked. He held out his hand, and Steve took it. Billy helped him stand, then nodded and followed the rest of the boys to the showers. Steve's hand tingled where Billy had touched him, and he was worried he was having an allergic reaction.

Billy left him alone in the showers, which, he had to admit, was kind of sad. He'd gotten used to the daily interactions. Lately, Steve had noticed it was less bullying, and more friendly teasing, but that probably meant nothing. Right?

Sry for the short first chapter, I promise they'll get longer. Have a good day :)

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