Part 6

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Steve didn't hear anything from Billy the rest of the weekend, but the boy never left his mind. Monday rolled around, and practically skipped to art class, the only class he and Billy shared other than gym. He sat at his usual desk, and scanned the room for his boyfriend. He finally spotted him, sitting across the room. He was talking to a blonde chick, and she seemed to be blushing and giggling quite a bit. Steve's jaw clenched, and his hands balled into fists. He wasn't usually the jealous type, but for some reason, seeing the way the girl was looking at him made his blood boil. Billy caught his eye from across the room, and winked, a playful smile on his lips. Steve furrowed his brow, releasing his fists. Finally, his brain clicked the pieces together. He was trying to make him jealous. The very thought almost made him laugh.

As he sat down he came to the conclusion that his boyfriend was far more complex than Steve had ever imagined. He had only begun to understand the inner workings of Billy Hargrove, and he made it his mission to learn everything he could about him. He would treat it like a project. Project Billy. And the first step of every good project? Research. This step would take time, he would have to observe and study Billy, what made him smile, what made him frown. His favorite color, his love language, his favorite season, things like that. But Steve was a very patient man, and he was determined to be the best boyfriend he could be.

After class, he was putting his things back in his locker when he felt Billy's hot breath on the back of his neck. "Hello darling." He whispered, biting Steve earlobe. Steve's eyes widened, darting around. Luckily, no one had seen them, but the panic had already set in. "What are you doing Billy?" He hissed.  Billy frowned, pulling away. "What's wrong?" He looked genuinely hurt, and Steve sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just, a little jumpy is all." He reassured him. "Do you wanna come over to my house to study tonight?" Billy asked hopefully. "Sure." Steve grinned. He held Billy's hand and pecked him lightly on the cheek, making the playboy blush. "See ya later." Steve smiled, letting go of his hand and joining the crowd on their way to their respective classes.

That afternoon, he met Billy at his car, excited and nervous. Billy opened the door for him, and he thanked him. They started driving, and Billy turned the radio up, rolling down the windows. Steve didn't recognize the song, but he didn't ask. Finally, they pulled up to the little house, and Billy frowned when he saw a car in the driveway. "Keep your head down and don't speak unless I say." He whispered, getting out of the car. Steve was confused, but didn't argue as they entered the house. When they got in, the house reeked of pot, and he could hear a loud football game playing on the TV in the next room. "Is that you Billy?!" Someone called from the living room. "Ya dad, it's me." They were at the bottom of the stairs when the voice called out again. "Get me a beer, would you?" Billy sighed, closing his eyes. "I'll be right back, don't move." Steve was too shocked to move anyway. He made a mental note for his project. Ask about family. He heard hushed voices from the other room, then Billy reappeared and they walked up to his room.
It was small, with posters all over the walls, a small bed and weights in one corner. Billy shut and locked the door, pulling his books out of his bags. Steve didn't ask about what had happened. He was unsure how his boyfriend would react if he brought it up, so he stayed quiet.

Half an hour later, they were laying on Billy's bed, listening to Queen and studying for maths. "I'm bored of this, can we do something else?" Billy huffed. Steve was grateful, because he had been really struggling to read a page in his textbook, and Billy kept having to help him. Of course, he didn't mind helping, but Steve was quite embarrassed. They put their books away, and Billy rolled over to stare at his ceiling. "Hey, you ok?" Steve asked quietly. "Hm? Oh, ya, I'm fine. You?" "I'm ok. But, I could really use some Billy kisses." He said in his best seductive voice. It wasn't very good, and they both laughed. But Billy still leaned over to press a sweet kiss to Steve's lips. They began to make out, and Steve observed that Billy was a very good kisser. He understood why the ladies loved him. He smelt like weed and hairspray, a good combination, and he tasted of cigarettes and chocolate. And his eyes. Steve could get lost in those baby blues forever. And that was the moment, just laying on Billy's bed, their hands roaming each other, that he realized he was falling, and he could only pray Billy would catch him when he hit the bottom.

Have a good day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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