Part 3

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Steve was quite nervous when he got to school the next day. So nervous he almost missed the letter taped to his locker. He grabbed it and tried his best to read it fast. He gave up on that idea pretty quickly, because it would take him too long to decipher the scribbles on the page. He shoved the note in his pocket and grabbed his books. He got to math class, his least favorite subject. He didn't pay attention to the class. Instead he spent the whole hour reading the messy note.

Dear Steve,
Meet me out back at lunch to talk about operation parents.
-You know who I am

Steve couldn't help his heart giving a little flutter. He smiled as he tucked the letter back in his pocket. It gave him a little joy as the day wore on. Finally, lunch came around, and he slipped outside. He found Billy leaning against the brick wall, a cigarette in his mouth. "Hi." Steve stood beside him, awkwardly shoving his hands in his Jean pockets. "Hey." Billy nodded at him. They sat in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say. "We still on for tonight?" "Ya, my parents are gonna love you." Steve chuckled. "See ya later then I guess." Billy stomped out his cigarette butt and left Steve standing alone.

Steve got out of his car a few hours later. He quickly ran to the other side of the car and opened Billy's door for him. "Hmm, a gentleman I see." Billy teased. "Only for you." Steve winked, and the other boy tried to hide his blush. But Steve noticed, he noticed everything when it came to Billy. This was the first time he'd ever seen him get flustered, or show any sort of feelings for Steve. He shook his head, trying to convince himself it meant absolutely nothing, just coincidence.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? You can still back out" Billy looked kinda scared. "Don't worry, the worst thing they can do is disown me, then I'll finally be out of here." "Alright King, you asked for this" he saluted him before walking up the driveway. "Ready?" Billy asked, looking over at Steve, and now they were both quite nervous. Steve nodded, and then Billy knocked on the door lightly, before standing behind Steve. The door opened to a middle aged woman with greying brown hair wrapped into a messy bun. She must not have seen Billy hiding behind Steve because she called "honey! Steve and his girlfriend are here!" A moment later Steve's dad stood beside her. They smiled kindly, until Steve took a step to the left to reveal Billy standing there. When they saw him it took them a moment to realize he was not in fact a very strange looking girl. "Mom, dad, this is Billy, my boyfriend." Steve introduced the other boy. Billy did a small Bow.  "Nice to meet you" he said with a grin. Both Steve's parents looked at him with raised eyebrows and open mouths. Steve just raised his eyebrows at them. "Oh! Right... uh.. come in" his mom stutterd, stepping aside and letting the two boys into her house. They disappeared into the kitchen, and Steve led Billy to his room.

Steve's room was not what Billy expected. It was large, with a four poster bed in one corner. In the other corner was a desk with a cork board on the wall covered in photos and drawings. But the most worrisome, was the spider man bedsheets and the band poster's on the walls.

"It's...homie." He nodded. Steve scratched the back of his neck nervously "what do you wanna do?" "I kinda wanna have sex." "I'm sorry what?"

"But we can't, because your parents are downstairs..." Billy seemed lost in thought. Steve regretted his decision. Billy just wanted to use him for sex. That was it. It felt like his whole world had Been shaken and thrown down a set of stairs. He'd been so stupid to think Billy felt anything towards him. Sudden anger bubbled up inside him. But he ignored it. He shoved it in a drawer and locked it. He only needed Billy for one night, and then he never had to talk to him ever again. Really, Steve was using Billy too, but Steve knew he would regret it later, but Billy would probably forget about it by next week. That's what hurt the most. Steve was crushing hard on Billy, but Billy saw him as just another good fuck.

Sry it took me so long to write this. Have a good day :)

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