Part 4

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Billy frowned at the expression on Steve's face. He hadn't meant to scare him. He was just trying to see if Steve felt the same as he did. Billy really liked Steve. He slept with as many people as he could, trying to forget his unhealthy obsession with the smiley brown haired kid who'd helped him with an art project in freshman year. He'd been an asshole to almost everyone to hide the pain underneath. He'd been an asshole to Steve to protect himself, too afraid to show him his softer side. But lately, he'd been getting more brave. Being just a little bit nicer, sleeping with less girls, talking to Steve a little more than he should.

He furrowed his brow, taking a step toward Steve, who's eyes widened. "I'm sorry Stevie, I didn't mean to startle you." He whispered, gently holding Steve's chin. His eyes flickered to Steve's lips, and back up to his eyes. The other boy looked genuinely terrified, and Billy realized he was taking this too fast, Steve still wasn't sure of his intentions. He let go of Steve's chin and took a step back, running a hand through his hair. "I don't understand, I can't tell if you want to strangle me or make out with me, you are very confusing." Steve wrinkled his nose. Billy smiled, stepping close to him again. He leaned close to Steve, their lips almost touching. Steve closed his eyes, waiting for their lips to touch. Billy turned to whisper in the other boy's ear, a smirk on his face. "Expecting something?" Steve's eyes shot open and he blushed deeply. "You're cute when you're flustered." Billy gently kissed his neck. Those words were engraved into Steve's mind.

You're cute

You're cute

You're cute

Both boys jumped when Steve's mother knocked lightly on the door frame. You could tell by the look on her face that she knew she'd walked in on something, but just straightened her skirt and cleared her throat. "Boys, suppers ready." "Thanks ma." Steve smiled at Billy and followed his mom out of the room.

Dinner was quiet at first, but not awkward. Steve's dad wasn't there. When he'd asked his mom she'd just said he was called into work on short notice. After the first ten minutes, Steve's mom broke the silence. "So Billy, what's your favourite class at school?" Both boys smiled gratefully. Steve suppressed a gasp when he felt Billy's hand gently resting on his knee under the table. "Art, Stevie got me into it." Billy grinned. She smiled, taking a bite of her food. "Steve has always been good at art, especially with his dyslexia." Billy turned to Steve, surprised. Steve gave him a pleading look, but his mom didn't notice, surprisingly. Billy cleared his throat. "Right, his dyslexia." Steve was worried things would go down hill, but he once again almost gasped when Billy squeezed his knee, trying to comfort him.

The rest of the meal went smoothly, and they all sat and watched tv after dinner. Steve's mom on the couch, and the two boys on the love seat, Steve draped across Billy's lap, smiling like a madman. He knew it wasn't real, but he was savoring every moment well it lasted. Steve jumped when thunder cracked outside. He squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in Billy's sweater. Billy didn't laugh, just gently wrapped his arms around the other boy and gently kissed the top of his head. Pretty soon, Steve began drifting off to sleep. Just before he fell asleep he thought he heard Billy whisper four simple words that changed Steve forever. "I love you Stevie."

I might write another part tonight,  we'll see. Have a good day :)

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