How the Robin Stole Fire

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NOTE: this is an altered version of an Australian Aboriginal folktale. If you want to read it in full, search up, "How Fire was Stolen from the Red-Crested Cockatoo"

The darkening sky rested above a flat grassland that fostered a tribe of birds who had settled in after a tiresome day of hunting. The small community huddled around a single human, a weary traveler who's leathery skin draped loosely over old, tired bones. With his belongings gathered close and his hunger satiated with whatever morsels he was offered, only then did he fulfill his end of the bargain.

In exchange for a place to rest for the night and a sliver of food to silence his stomach, he began to tell of his many adventures beyond the horizons but one story in particular caught everyone's attention.

You see, though the days under the fiery sun were warm and comforting, the nights swept through the lands like a ghoul, chilling all life to the bone. Life was also especially bleak in the wintertime when the world was blinded with white numbness that even the sun couldn't seem to save them from. So when the old man revealed that he had discovered the secret to the fire in the sky, the tribe didn't think twice to let him in.

With one last swig of water to moisten his lips, the traveler began his story.

"For many moons, I have journeyed through mountain highs, and canyon lows. I've met the edge where the ocean waves swallow the earth and empty wastelands, where the presence of death reigns supreme. It was in one as such that my story began.

"I had left my own people from a land far bleaker, where the clouds bury us in darkness that I am from and after many satisfying travels, I reached a place where water was sacred. There were no living creatures, only their corpses gathered near riverbeds that had long dried out. Even the plants, so parched that their sickly yellow limbs crumble to the touch. I barely survived my journey as I dug greedily in the burning sands for the tiniest sips of the sweetest water one could behold. But soon, I came across a place where the trees could climb beyond the clouds. A magnificent sight, I thought to myself but what astounded me more was when I saw the glorious flicker of scorching light appear in the shadows of the trees.

"A brilliant cockatoo I saw, so majestic and pure with the power of the sun crowning his head. I watched as he took fire from under his crest to light his path into the forest and in awe, I couldn't help but follow him like a guiding star. But the cockatoo was not very pleased to see me and with a flap of his wings, a branch was set alight and he shot it at me like a flaming arrow. I was forced to flee and after wandering back to my village in the dark, I could find no trace of a living soul. They had left without me.

"And so I slowly stumbled through the world, my lonesome and tired self only living to carry this secret for myself until I came across your tribe. So here I sit to offer you an opportunity. Would there be anyone who is willing to brave the same dangers that I have encountered during my travels and retrieve the fire from the magnificent Cockatoo? The power it holds will bring great things for us all."

This knowledge sparked great joy and frenzy within the tribe and though they were all willing, no one knew where to begin. Eventually, they decided to hold a great event and invite the Cockatoo and take the opportunity to steal the fire.

And so they did and the Cockatoo accepted the invitation, much to everyone's delight. Though many of them tried, offering him food and drinks, inviting him to sing and dance, the Cockatoo never let down his guard and the night ended with his departure. Not a single ember was obtained.

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