When Omens Stir

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(Nobody POV)

The soft echo of their footsteps was the only thing that accompanied Phil as they approached the looming doors at the end of the hall where the Powers rested undisturbed beyond them. There seemed to be an air of stillness and peace about this place, something so sacred that Phil almost felt a little guilty for disturbing it. They gently knocked three times and listened as the warm vibrations faded through to the other side. Only a moment later, a familiar voice beckoned them inward as the door parted ever so slightly.

The room was pitch black, not even their halo could shed enough light to see anything but Phil was not bothered by it. A trail of stars parted through the darkness and pulled them forward to where ASEAN lay, his inconceivable form morphed slowly into something more familiar for his student.

"Eugh, EU, a little more light please?" ASEAN requested groggily as more stars, strung with the Union's golden threads, began to gather around them for better lighting. From somewhere in the distance, Phil could hear EU mutter something under his breath.

"Headmaster," Phil addressed politely which felt really strange because they had never really bothered to be formal with their Power and frankly, ASEAN never really cared for it. They were in the presence of the other two Powers, however. It was the safer choice.

ASEAN handed three hairpins to Phil and yawned, "Do me a favor and pin up my hair, would you? EU keeps doing it wrong and stabbing my head like the idiot he is."

"Watch your tongue," the other hissed. "Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you get to slight me like that. I still rank higher than you."

"Not so. Last I checked, you're still serving your sentence, jailbird."

Phil didn't dare speak and simply focused on properly fashioning the Branchmaster's sapphire locks as they stared each other down. The Powers were so childish sometimes, sure, but their authority was absolute. Also, the eldest of the three had yet to chime in so clearly, this was nothing serious.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell us," ASEAN finally said once he was satisfied with Phil's handiwork. "There was a disturbance earlier, wasn't there?"

Phil recounted the events from that morning when China had come to them, demanding an audience. Of course, he was turned away but his whole demeanor had been off. Phil did their best to describe it and the Powers fell silent in contemplation.

"You're right. That is very unlike China," ASEAN agreed with a small, curt nod. "Knowing him, this could be very troubling but honestly, I'm just impressed that Indo didn't try to challenge him to a duel right then and there."

"He did, sir. He challenged Egypt too."

"Oh. Nevermind then."

EU tilted his head, his burning golden eyes piercing through the dark, "I must admit I'm intrigued by what he had to say. Besides, ASEAN, you have a contract with that one, don't you? His Awakening would pose no threat to us."

"Yet it is not his Awakening that makes him dangerous," ASEAN replied with a drop of sass hidden in his voice. "But yes, I agree. That child never speaks to me unless he deems it important enough. Dignity is a true force with that one."

ASEAN glanced into the void beyond them, where the stars could not illuminate, "UN, what do you say?"

The room fell silent as they waited and for a moment, Phil didn't know if UN was even awake. After a while, they watched as something within it stir before the eldest Power's voice whispered, "He will bring ill news and I believe I already know what of."

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