Chapter 3

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The screen suddenly cuts to a rainy landscape as it now shows Ruby who is now wearing the standard Branwen Corporation Uniform as she is looking at a Bal-27 that has the logo of the Branwen Tribe as she now looks at her Prosthetic Arm and moves it around, the same goes for leg.

The screen suddenly cuts to a rainy landscape as it now shows Ruby who is now wearing the standard Branwen Corporation Uniform as she is looking at a Bal-27 that has the logo of the Branwen Tribe as she now looks at her Prosthetic Arm and moves it...

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Then she adjusts her cybernetic eye as she faces her Captain, as she looks towards her. The woman is Amber.

Amber: Alright Rose, you ready?

Ruby: Ready, as I'll ever be.

As Amber ordered the Team to move in on the location.

Amber: Alright, everyone listen up. We got a hostage situation. A group of White Fang kidnapped an HVI and are bunkered up in this House. Rose, activate the threat detector in your prosthetic eye.

As Ruby nods and presses a button near her eye as in her vision, her HUD started to display all enemy targets in red as she now has detected all the enemy presence in the area.

Amber: What do you got for us?

Ruby: Two on the terrace, one by the roof, and I got two by the Pool.

Amber: Alright everyone pick your targets, I got the two on the one of the roof, the rest of you pick your targets.

As all the Soldiers began aiming their guns at the enemy, Ruby aimed for the one in the pool.

Amber: Drop 'em.

As the Team took out all the hostiles at the same time as the area is clear.

Branwen PMC 1: Clear, proceeding to back entrance.

Branwen PMC 2: Rose get the kitchen door.

As Ruby heads to the Kitchen door as she opens it slowly, she sees an hostile and takes him out as quick as she can. She then proceeds to the living room and sees 3 hostiles inside.

Amber: Rose, I'm outside the window to your left, we'll take them out together. On your go.

As Ruby takes the first shoot and as one grunt went down Amber took the shot and took the other as Ruby eliminated the last one.

Ruby: All clear.

Amber: Alright, let's move. Rose keep an eye on your threat detector. I don't want any surprises.

Ruby: Understood.

As both Amber and Ruby moved in on the VIP's location.

Eagle: Delta-two, be advised the VIP's location is a few doors down the left hallway.

Amber: Roger that Eagle 1, making our approach now.

As both of them reached the room, as Ruby suddenly felt her prosthetic arm jolt for a bit as Amber looks at her.

Amber: You good Rose?

Ruby: Yeah, I'm good.

As both of then reached the door.

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