Six: Janus

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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Janus looked up from his knees and to the bedroom door. Devine looked angry.

"And what's got you so pissed off?" Janus asked. Divine threw her phone and looked up at him.

"He set Remus and Virgil free that's what! And he showed them your fucking videos so they know I have you! Ugh! Fucker can't do anything right!" She started pacing the room. Janus laughed and looked out the window.

"Oh you are so getting your shit handed to you." Janus saw a car pull up in the driveway and he smiled looking down at divine. "If you even think about hurting my husband, I will not hesitate to cut your ass." Divine stormed to the front door and Janus jumped down limping to the bedroom door she left open.

"Where is he!?" Remus shoved past her and Janus limped his way out of the door.

"R-Remus?" Remus looked at him and ran over to him pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry." Remus held him tightly. "I didn't think you'd ever be put into the same position I was...I told you to stay away from her I thought I was protecting you..."

"You did." Janus kissed Remus and pulled away. "You did protect me, she didn't hurt me because of you."

"Actually, I definitely did. Were you not paying attention when I told you that I was hurting you to hurt him?" Divine dragged Virgil after her and Virgil looked at them scared.

"Hands off our son." Remus growled.

"Who told him?" She asked. "Because he's scared of me."

"Let. Go. Of. Me!" Virgil tried to get away and started kicking her. "Seriously, mom...please!"

"Why are you afraid of me!?" She held his arm tightly.

"Y-You monster! Let go! Let go!" Virgil tried to get her off and Janus shoved her away pulling Virgil towards both him and Remus.

"Divine, I ended things years ago. You should have accepted that! Why did you have to go and hurt my husband like you did me!? What was the point!? He did nothing to you!"

"He took you away from me!" She stormed at Remus and shoved him into a wall. Janus pulled Virgil away holding him in his arms.

"You did that to yourself! I was going to leave you with my son anyways! You really thought I would have left him with you after all you've done to me!" Divine laughed and held her stomach as Remus shoved her away. Janus felt his eyes widen.

"Be careful who you shove Remus." Remus looked at her and then back at Remus.

" didn't...Jan..."

"Told you he wouldn't love you after he found out, I mean come on you cheated on him with me and got me pregnant!" She chuckled. "I think I should name him this time don't you?"

"You bitch!" Remus growled.

"I got what I wanted, maybe this son will be obedient and not listen to his father." Janus watched as divine pulled out a knife and suddenly threw it. Janus jumped into the way of the knife and it landed in his eye. He screamed and immediately held his eye.

"JAN!" Remus ran over and held pressure on his eye. "Oh god..."

"Oops, my hand slipped." She left the room and Janus leaned into Remus.

"I'm not going to make it am I?" Janus asked. Remus held him and cried.

"I promise you will, please Jan...please..." Janus felt himself getting dizzy as he held onto the love of his life. He closed his eyes and felt warmth surround him. His husbands arms.

"Dad! Dad please stay please don't go!" Janus felt someone else holding onto him and he smiled. He wouldn't leave. He won't go. He will stay.

"I will." He held Virgil's hand and squeezed. "I'm just really tired."

"Please don't fall asleep, please stay with me..." Janus smiled at Virgil.

"You take care of your father for me..." Janus fell limp into his husbands arms, as his vision faded he could have sworn he saw rage in Remus's eyes.

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