Ten: Patton/Roman/Janus

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Patton held his knees to his chest and counted back up to one hundred. The door finally opened and Patton flinched seeing the bright light.

"She's gone." His father helped him out of the room and Patton looked at him angrily.

"I don't care that she's gone! Why would you do that to me again!?" Patton backed away. "You made me a promise! And you broke it!"

"Patton you left me no choice! I told you not to come down—."

"WHY WERE YOU WORKING WITH HER!?" Patton started crying. "She's a rapist and a murderer!"

"Patton..." his father sighed. "Please sit down." Patton followed his dad over to the couches and sat down.

"Are you going to explain?" Patton crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know she's a rapist." His father looked at his hands. "Because she's your mother Patton." (AN PS yes that means Patton and Virgil are blood related)

AN I was totally going to leave this here but I'm switching the point of view instead cuz I'm evil


Virgil and Logan were asleep and Roman walked over to the kitchen grabbing some water when the secret door opened. He immediately ran over and stood between the boys and...a kid?

"What the fuck..." Roman stared at the kid wide eyed.

"M-My dad doesn't know I'm here if he knew..." the kid handed something to Roman. "Please I'm just trying to help." He looked over behind Roman and he gasped. "L-Lo!?"

"You know Logan?!" Roman asked. He looked behind him and saw Logan sitting up.

"What's happening?" Logan asked.

"Lo..." the kid ran over and hugged Logan tightly. Logan looked confused for a second and when he pulled away he gasped and hugged the kid tighter.

"Patton!" Roman looked at them confused.

"Catch me up here?" Roman gestured at the two. "How do you know his son?"

"Y-You're related to that asshole!?" Logan gasped.

AN also yes that means Roman has been locked in the secret room in pattons place for years without Patton knowing Patton only got suspicious when he saw that his father was working with Divine so he knows nothing about the situation Roman has been in for years

"I didn't know he-he was working with her..." Patton wiped tears from his eyes. "After seeing on the news that you were missing and your sibling was murdered....I was so worried about you! I even talked to him about you and he did nothing!"

"He knows us all by different names patton..." Logan looked at Virgil and Roman.

"Next time you are talking to him about Logan...call him Sebastian." Roman suggested. "It will set him up and you can save us."

"I promise to try my best." Patton hugged Logan. "I'll be back with the police." Patton ran to the secret door and Roman looked back at Logan who was crying.

"How do I even tell him that his own father is a fucking rapist..." Logan put his head in his hands.

"Easy." Virgil finally spoke up as he got off the couch. "You tell the cops and when he's finally arrested for what he's done, that's how he'll find out. You don't have to tell him directly about what he's done."

"Virgil..." Roman looked at his nephew. "Please tell me he hasn't...please tell me he didn't..."

"You, are already so fucked up. You really think I'd tell you the truth about that if he did or didn't rape me?" Virgil limped his way over and pulled Roman into a hug. "I can take care of myself."

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