Seven: Virgil

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Virgil sat next to the hospital bed reading to his dad. He stopped reading and sighed as he looked at the monitors. His dad was pushing through. That's what the doctor said. He had lost a lot of blood but he was a fighter and he was pushing through this. He heard the door open and assumed it was a nurse so he held his dads hand.

"You know Virgil, your father didn't tell you because he's a coward." Virgil looked up at his mother and glared. "I'm still your mother."

"Even if you are my mother, I fucking trusted you! I actually thought you were a good person...." Virgil looked at Janus and then back at his mother. "That knife wasn't meant for him...."

"No sweetie it wasn't. You see, I was going to fucking kill you but he stepped into the way!" She hissed. Virgil dropped his book and went to run to the door but someone stepped into the way. The police officer in charge of watching her! Of course he had something to do with this!

"Mom, please don't do this..." Virgil backed away and looked at his dad. "Please I don't care what you've done you just can't...."

"Behave now." She walked over to the cop. "Bring him to my friends house, I'll be waiting." Virgil watched as she left the room. He looked at his dad and then back at the officer.

"If I go, she won't hurt him right?" Virgil asked. The officer nodded and Virgil walked out after him. They got into a car and Virgil sat in back, not fighting or arguing when he put the handcuffs on. He was terrified yes, but if this kept his father safe he'd go anywhere.

***a few hours later***

They finally stopped driving and Virgil looked up. He had no clue where they were or why it took so long to get there.

"Out." The door opened and Virgil scooted over to the edge and got out.

"W-Where are we?" Virgil was dragged into the cabin and immediately he saw Roman in the kitchen.

"Your mother wanted you here." The officer rolled his eyes. "So bye." He left and Virgil wrapped his arms around himself and looked over to Roman who stopped cooking.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Roman screamed.

"H-Hey Roman." Virgil walked over and sat down. Roman looked at his kidnapper and then back at Virgil concerned.

"Don't worry, he's just here to visit." Virgil watched as his kidnapper left the house and Roman looked at him terrified.

"How's Remus? If you are here that means something happened..."

"Roman please calm down....m-my other dads in the hospital so he's been trying to figure out how to manage work and the stress of the fact that he might not push through..."

"And he left you alone!? Is he nuts!?"

"My mom escaped prison Roman, he couldn't have stopped her from taking me. Crazy bitch planned this...that knife was meant for me. She meant to kill me and missed." Roman started pacing.

"Why did he take you here?? He moved our location so you guys wouldn't be able to rescue me and now h-he takes you here so that means you will be stuck here and-and I don't...I can't protect you if he separates us..." Roman started crying. "I'm scared."

"One thing they are really bad at, is making sure you have no way out." Virgil pulled out his phone and dialed 911. Roman laughed as tears flowed down his face. Virgil stepped towards the door and continued the conversation with the responder. "I'm going to hide this because I think he's back...if I leave the call going will you be able to trace it?" The women said yes and Virgil quickly hid the phone. He ran over to Roman and held him. "They are on the way, we just have to wait it out. Promise me you won't do anything stupid?" Roman held Virgil and nodded.

"Nothing stupid, I promise."

AN was gonna wait to update this until I had written at least 4 more chapters but decided to update anyways because I'm gonna be heading out of state for a few days and I have a job interview immediately after I get back so hope you like the cliff hanger! Also  thank you for being such a wonderful and supportive human being! Queenrosehunter

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