Finding Emiko

369 14 2

Emiko's POV:

It's so quiet so peaceful.

I love sleep, you forget about thing for a little while.

Why didn't I do this before?


Right Luca. That's why.

Your children.

My babies!


I scramble to come back scramble to reach the surface.


Nothingness all around me...

I left my pour babies to defend for themselves...I'm a horrible mother...

"Emiko!" I hear someone yell in the distance.

"Emiko! Come back!" They yell. I reach out my hand to reach for them. "Help me!" I call back. I feel my hands latch onto something and I open my eyes.

I'm in a hospital room. I look down and see Luca lying next to me.

Why am I here?

I kiss Luca's lips then slip from the room and down the familiar halls to the nursery.

I slowly push the unusually heavy door open. My bare feet padding along the cold floor.

I smile down on my baby boys I reach into the crib and take hold of Ethan's tiny hand his chubby fingers wrapping tightly around mine. His brown hair just like me.

"Hey baby boy," I say with a smile. His eye lids flicker but they don't open. I smile as I move to the other crib and stroke Antonio's cheek. He squirms then relaxes as I reach down and take him into my arms. His big golden eyes a beautiful contrast to his raven black hair. He smiles. He's my smily baby.
I gently lay him back into his crib.

Elena looks like her daddy. I think as I walk closer to her crib no longer is she covered in tubes no longer does she look sickly. Her hair is a mix between black and brown and her eyes are bright silver. She's pure perfection. A beautiful pink bow in her hair making her look even better in my eyes.

She smiles up at me.

"Hey baby girl, I missed you." I say cuddling closer to her kissing her cheek.

"Emiko!" I hear someone call.

I turn around baby Elena disappearing from my arms and I'm back in the dark.

"EMIKO!!!" I hear the voice call.

Wait are there two?


"Emiko where are you?!"



"I'M HERE!!!" I call back.


No words...

No screams...

No touches come.

I stand there waiting and waiting.

"Please don't leave..." I whisper.

The voices don't respond which angers me greatly.

I ball my hands into fists and close my eyes from the darkness. Where are you?

Save me!

SAVE ME!!! one...


I'll get myself out!

I open my eyes and stare into the darkness in a furious rage.

"LET. ME. OUT!!" I scream.

I try to force open my eyes with extreme difficulty.

Come on!

Come on!




My eyes are droopy and heavy and I can barely keep them open. My hands won't move yet but I notice I'm in a quiet hospital room the walls the purest white. I see vases of roses and daisies sitting all around my room.

"Luca..." I get out in a raspy voice.

I feel a stabbing pain in my head.

I reach up and my ears are gone...

"LUCA!!!!" I scream my voice still horse and scratchy my throat killing me.

"Emiko!" I hear.

I look towards the voice of velvet and start crying.

"Luca!!" I reach out my hands wanting him to hold me.

He rushes over and holds me close.

"Don't leave me again...please..." he sobs.

I run my hands through his hair.

"Your ears...they're gone..." he says through his sobs.

"I noticed. What the hell happened?" I ask a little worried, curious and angry in some ways.
"I don't know one minute you were here the next Rain and Sakura were all alone and I was freaking out...I didn't k ow what to do and after a few minutes after you had gone so were your ears..." he says.


Rain, Sakura!

I try to find thwm inside me but I can't...


"What do you mean they're gone?!" Luca asks.

"I can't feel them anymore Luca..." I start to cry.

Rain and Sakura are gone!!


Hey! Sorry the update took forever been through a hell of a lot lately.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter please continue in your support!

That's if I still have readers! Hahaha

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