Chapter 3

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Rachael's Pov
It had been two months since Jasper left. It had been worse then i thought. The guilt began to spread. My thoughts had began to attack me. I don't know why I kissed Jasper.all he wanted was a simple goodbye and as usual i had to cause more pain. I was trying to tell myself everyone makes mistakes and it's fine.but it's not I know by now how Jasper's brain works and I still acted with such selfishness.I wish for once I would do the right thing. But it's hard when you are your own worst enemy.
Bella had begun to ignoring me and all of are friends. Every time i tried to talk to her she'd coldly brush me off. It seems she had taken the Cullen's leaving really badly.I began to feel more lonely to. I tried to talk to my dad about it but instead of listening properly he insisted I go to therapy more. That's why i was sad in a silent room which felt like more of a cage.
"Rachael I hope you don't mind me doing these sessions more.your father thought it would be easier to talk to someone you was already familiar with"Dr Colebourn said writing in her note pad. "sure" I said with no emotion. What the hell was i going to talk about. how i'm a failure of a witch and I drove away my vampire best friend.
"so Rachael how have you been feeling these past months in forks" she asked. "fine" I lied.
of course I wasn't fine I spent a huge chunk of it thinking i was going to die. "has there been a shift since then that has made your father worried" she continued her interaction. I just shrugged trying to give her little to no response. I then got a sudden chill. i could no longer hear Dr Colebourn. All I could hear was the ocean. crashing waves. I thought i was losing my mind the beach was miles away from Dr Colebourn's office. A smell of salt water over took my senses. The smell quickly shifted to Rot. I then hear a loud piecing screaming. my composure quickly shifted. I went from sitting still the looking around the room in a panic. "are you ok?" snapped me out my trance.Dr Colebourn was now looking at me in fear. she was trying to search my face to see what the sudden shift in my emotions was.I then swallowed the lump in my throat before answering "no" i quickly grabbed my bag before rushing out. i didn't know where i was going but i couldn't be there. having my brain dissected was bad enough without losing my mind to crazy witchy shit.

My father was supposed to pick me up but if i had called him he would of made me gone back and i didn't want to. Instead i have settled for walking in the forest in the rain. It wasn't the best idea i was far from wearing the appropriate clothes. i had on a white turtleneck with a baby pick cardigan and beige trousers.the painful part was was white heeled boots. i wasn't even smart enough to wear a jacket. My curls had been weighed down by the soaking rain and i couldn't tell if my eyeliner was smuggled from the rain or my silent tears. I had found a little shelter under a willow tree. I just sat there and cried. i tried not to but couldn't help it. I was sick of feeling this way. In danger, weak,stupid and alone.
"death" I whisper said. I quickly stood up and i began to feel a pull from a direction.i knew it wasn't anything good but a small part of me was hoping it was jasper.that he had come back to accept my apology. I had begun to follow the pull. I had been walking for a while till i found the spot. there was nothing. no one to be seen. Just a empty field. I had begun to here growling of a large animal from behind me. I had turned around and i didn't catch what it was but i did see it's black fur. i didn't think twice before running away as fast as i could in heels that is.

i had been running for a while till i no longer felt any type of pull. I had somehow stubbled back to town. I had started to finally catch my breath. "are you ok" I heard a soft voice. I looked up. it was the new girl from school with the blue hair. "i'm fine" I said trying to sound cold but i was to out of breath. "Your from school right" she asked again. I nodded. "i'm Erryn. I remember seeing you in the Wicca shop. you name is Rachael right"
"I'd say nice to meet you but it was uneventful" I began to walk away. "ok but your going the wrong way" she yelled. I turned in confusion. "your obviously stranded and the bus stop is in the opposite direction" She pointed. I stood there in slight embarrassment. "Thanks i guess" I had begun to walk. she started walking with me. "what are you doing" I asked annoyed. "i'm making sure you get there safe"
I looked her up and down in more annoyance. "Im not a child i can wait for the bus without someone holding my hand"
"I know but you look like you really don't want to be alone" she was a little right if I was alone for five more seconds i was going to cry again.
"thank you" I responded we both walked.
"so it's probably not cool asking this considering we just met. but why are you so upset"she asked.
"lets just say boy problems" i responded. she nodded.understanding i didn't want to fully get into it.
"so what are you doing in town" I asked changing the subject. "oh i was picking up something from with look" she said holding out her hand. It was a giant crystal that was a beautiful ray of purple, pink and blue. "it's called a exousía diamond. it's amazing for powerful spells." she began before i stopped her. "can we not i'm kinda off magic." i said. she then scrunched her face. "oh to many burn outs" she asked. I then looked at her in confusion. "burning out is when a witch takes all there rage,sadness and it into so much magic. It can be capable of almost anything.then you bun out and are unable to practice for a while till you magic powers up again." she then began to smile to herself before continuing. "That is unless you find something else to channel. Like a crystal,celestial event or even a living sacrifice "
A quickly chilled traveled threw my spine as she said those words. "what the fuck sacrifice" i said. she lightly laughed to herself. "i never said i did's just something witches do. but we can all be a little desperate when it comes to feeling magic." she was serious but i didn't get it. "you me headaches?" i questioned.
"oh your a baby witch." she giggled more.
"the growing pains happen when the don't take the magic fully into yourself. once you feel that there's no rush that compares" she said looking right into my soul. "if you want i can teach you it might help take away some of your sadness" she offered. "My bus is here" i standing up to leave. she held my had. "think about it. your obviously going threw something and magic can help with your depression" she said softly. I quickly snatched my a back before leaving.

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