Chapter 5

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I was done I'm finally giving into pressure.I can't ignore what is going on not if it was going to kill me. there is only one crazy old lady who can help me "Yamauba! i need your help" I said storming into the wiccan shop. The customer she was will looked a little stunned. "so if you rub the crystal on your crotch it should help with you imputant problems" she said guiding the man out the shop. "I was wondering how long it would take you to come to me" she said giddily turning the sigh to closed. "I have a problem with my powers and there is a ghost haunting me." "shhh Let's have tea and you can tell me everything." I talked about everything my powers and where i saw the woman. "so you see i'm desperate how do i make her go away" she took a long louder sip of her jasmine tea. "have you talked to that boy Jasper" I was a little annoyed at her question. "he's gone i can't really talk to him but it's not really my biggest problem right now."she lightly laughed. "are you's the biggest thing hurting your heart" my annoyance grew. "are you going to help me or not." I was trying not to seem
mad. "of course I already have the book for you" I was a little confused. she pulled out a green leather book. "look here's a spell where you can project things to can write him letters." she said with a wide smile. "i'm not sure you understand why i came here," "I understand completely your magic is building up so use it and this way you can still write to you lost lover" I must be crazy because it was sounding rather luring. "I wouldn't really call him lost" I said full of sadness. "no.well then maybe you could just have a real goodbye" she's right maybe i could fix my wrong and finally let him go. "What about the-" I began before she cut me off. "I think it's time for you to go you have to be home in time" I was confused "in time for what" "you'll see" she said leading me to the door.

The bus ride home was long.I wanted to cast the spell and say i'm sorry for everything i did. I was also trying to talk myself out of it .what if i hurt him more. cause him more confusion.or if my father found out i was using magic.I walked up my driveway way to see a familiar face and the stench of smoke. "it's about time you got here.i was waiting for like twenty minutes I was going to leave." Erryn was beginning to rack up some serious stalker points. "what are you doing at my house" I hid the spell book in my bag. "Well you looked really worried about what i said." is she serious what did she expect. "yea you told me i was going to die.believe it or not that can cause worry" she laughed. "sorry i guess i'm not really good with sensitivity." she just stood there quietly smoking. "so i'm fine you can leave now" I said taking my keys out to go in the house. "well i came here to buy you a drink" I scoffed "i didn't realise this was a bar" she rolled her eyes. "no i mean i take you out there is a place that's super easy to get in and your aura is in desperate need for release" of course my aura did I've spent none stop worrying for my life. "one drink?"Erryn had a wide smile.I think she could tell i was slightly convinced. "I mean it beats sitting at home alone right" she's right and i was really sick of being alone. "fine it's not like i owe anyone anything."

we sat at the bar it was beautiful. it was a really old jazz bar dimly lit and dark wooden decor.the smell of whisky filled the senses. "so do you come here often." I asked. "are you hitting on me.just this morning you hated me" we both laughed lightly. "so what can i get you lady's" A man in is mid twenties with strawberry blonde hair and a freaked face approached. "yes can we get two bourbon" erryn answered. "actually can i have a cherry bubblecake" "seriously" erryn looked at we with a smirk. "actually i'm going to have to see some ID" and just like that we where busted. "don't worry I got this." Erryn said. she looked at him intensely. "ok I'll get you drinks on the house of course."the man said coldly before walking away. "did you just witchy woo him" I said worried. "don't worry it's a minor hypnotic spell he'll be fine." "that doesn't make it fair. magic is to help people not turn them into a toy." I began taking money out of my purse "what are you doing" she scratched her face up."taking money out for the drinks and a very large tip for that poor man" "god it must be so lovely on that little pedestal of yours" is this bitch serious. "i'm not on a pedestal. I just think as a servant of nature you should-" she cut me off with a dry laugh. "seriously what century are you from.servant of nature nobody believes in that old shit anymore" "my grams did and so do I" she pinch eyebrows together in confusion. "really then why have you stop practicing. as a servant of nature you should be fighting demons and saving everyone" she said and i guess she was kinda right. who am i to judge her when i'm not exactly fulfilling my duties. "i'm not judging most witches who follow the old ways usually end up killed or drama" "Yea i definitely don't miss that"even though i was thinking of my old fear of Jasper a strange warmness entered my heart. "oh really what epic evil have you vanquished wiccan wonder" she joked making me laugh at the ridiculous of me vanquishing anything. "no It was my ex... friend i guess he was a vampire" her eyes immediately widened. "oh wow even i don't dance in that kinda darkness." "he wasn't like that i though.I thought he was for a long time but he was kind understand and a gentleman" the warmness grew i could feel myself blushing. and then i remember "he's gone though so it doesn't really matter" our drinks finally came. I immediately downed the entire drink. "actually can i get another make it a double" Erryn looked at me for a second before speaking. "i get it now your aura.your heartbroken over a vampire of all things" I nodded in shame. "ok well enough off the serious talk." "right sorry so what about you any cool witch stories." she smirked a little. "I spend most days casting magic for fun." she lifted her hand and turned the ceiling into the night sky. "are you crazy what if someone sees" she laughed. "so everyone here is drunk and if they do i'll just erase there memory."I guess that made sense or i finally lost my mind. "I want to do shots" I blurted out. "are you sure." I nodded. "I just want to be a little reckless for one night" she waved her hand and moved a bottle of tequila and shot glasses to us. "in that case you should go all out." she smiled pouring me a glass. "to a night of recklessness." she lifted her drink.I heisted for a second but i deserved a little fun. I shot the alcohol and immediately began coughing it up. "your first time"she laughed. "another" I said. she began pouring drink after drinking. I began feeling numb it was almost peaceful. I search in my bag giggling taking out my lipliner and compact mirror.I giggled more until my stomach dropped.the book I got from Yamauba.I must be extremely drunk Jasper appeared in my mind smiling. "why are you crying" erryn asking concerned. "do you have a pen." I asked grabbing the candle at the edge of the bar. "no why" I guess my lipliner will do. "I have a spell where i can send a note to so someone i love"  I said she smiled lightly back at me. "what are you going to say" It was complicated before but now so simple. I grabbed the napkin and kept it simple and from the heart. "'I'm sorry i love you' yikes what did you do" Erryn read out my note. "nothing good." I held the note and said the incantation the flames turned blue and the napkin turned to smoke. "dose that mean it worked" I asked Erryn.before she could answer all the bottles at the bar turned into dirty water.I saw the reflection on one of the bottles the ghost. I grabbed my things and left in slight panic. "shit what did you" Erryn yelled trailing behind me. "it's not like a meant to" I defend myself. "that's so not what they meant.also that's not what people me when they say keep the bottles flowing" I could help but laugh threw my anxiety. "you saw something what was it" she asked."i think i should head home it's getting really late and we have school tomorrow." She nodded and looked more disappointed.I think she knew she wasn't going to get and answer. "right i'm gonna stay out if i go home like this my dad will freak." she said with a worried tone. "you can stay at mine if you want."I offered said i didn't want her getting in trouble. "oh wow who knew you where so easy" she joked. "very funny but my dad is working all night so he won't tell you dad" she lightly smiled and left with me.

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