Chapter 7

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I look everywhere, I practically turned the house upside down. I was currently searching my father's room.I know it's a little invasive but i'm desperate... and still nothing. I even flipped his mattress. "Rachael what are you doing" I was startled by my father's voice. Itrun to see his unamused expression. "money. i'm looking for money." He just looked at me. It's like he could tell Iwas lying. "what for"
he asked frowning. Iwas quite for a second trying to think of something he might believe."makeup i'm running out of
foundation" he said nothing.he took his wallet out and handed me twenty dollars. "thanks" I took the money and immediately rushed off.I went in my room looking for my makeup bag i had to hide my foundation so just incase.As I open the drawer my body froze. I was stuck. I could feel my heart racing. I couldn't tell if this was an anxiety attack but there it was sat in the draw. A sticky note! It read "I love you to JH." I read out loud to make sure it was real. I sink into my bed.I have to send
him a note. Saying something! Saying anything! But all i can think is. I love him again. I pulled The green spell book out. I
began writing everything thats happened since he left. It felt like I had a whole novel of things i wanted to tell him. I shook my head and tore it up. I couldn't do
that to him. If i told him about the ghost he'd worry. I decided
i would be better to just lie. so i wrote school is great and that
bella and i were hanging out a lot. I wrote how i was fine but missing him and then i lit my candle, casting the spell to send my note to Jasper. Is it stupid that i was
blushing? I thought even if he isn't in my life maybe this would be enough. "what is
that" my dads stern voice.I did realise he entered my room."'s nothing" i respond hugging my spell book practically.
My father's face turned. It had morphed from unamused to full disappointment "we
agreed no more magic" he screamed "i know but" I managed to get ot before he cuts me off "you agreed it was to dangerous. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that "I could see he was upset. I know i've put him threw alot, I know how he fells about magic and i know im being selfish and reckless but im overwhelmed
I need to do this "i'm tied of ignoring apart of myself just because your paranoid you'll lose me like you lost mum" | snap. I didn't mean to cut him so deep. The words just fell out my mouth. Maybe i should apologise... but it was to late his tears had
already began falling from his eyes. "im sorry i didn't mean it's just this is the only way i can keep in touch with Jasper and I." I couldn't finish my sentence. If i
mentioned the ghost he would full on panic "you are still involved with that monster" i could hear
the anger and hearing him call jasper a monster reminded me of all the times i used that
word to hurt jasper. "give me the book" He extended his long arm out. I couldn't speak i just shook my head. "Rachael!" he called
in a promting tone. Once more i felt so small like i was seven years old being told off. He quickly snatched it off me. "one day
you'll thank me." he said. "don't hold your breath" | snapped as I grabbed my jacket and
push past him. "where are you going now" I ignored him rushing downstairs. "Rachael. Rachael!" his calls echoed threw out the
house. I walk for hours. My mind was so clouded
didn't realise where
i was until i finally snaped back to reality "la push. great." I
take my shoes off and walked across the sand it was surprisingly comforting... you
know if there wasn't a demon lurking in the water.I sat on the rocks taking in the
beauty and might of the ocean. The deep forest behind me was still and quite
"danger" hear a mysterious yet familiar whisper "well if it isn't the witch mascot" A vicious and pointed voice spoke from behind. I stood in fear "Victoria.... what are you doing here. Edward left months ago!" A malevolent grin appeared across her enchanting face "I know and i'm sure by now bella has told you i plan on killing her" she confidently circled me like a cat playing with its prey "oh she didn't tell you" a smile lit up her face "witches blood is
supposed to be so delectable and it would make me stronger enough to wipe out
these shapeshifters" she snarled. "come any closer and i'll turn you to stone" an obvious lie. "Do it" she challenged. She
stood waiting "just as i thought powerless" and without a second passing she pounced. Fiercely lunging towards me with so much intensity and drive. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact.... but nothing. Did i pass out? Was i already dead? Did she change her mind? I was confused and even though i was scared i decide should open my eyes and see what fate awaits me. As i open them i don't reconise where i am. This was definitely not la push. I took in my surroundings. From what I could tell it was in a cave. A cold dark cave that smelled hidious like something was rotting. This is weird. How the hell did i get here. I wounder if the wisper i heard back at the beach is connected somehow. "Hello!" I yelled out "you teleported me to a creepy cave" i shout into the dark mockingly. I then heard
something faintly. I couldnt make it out, it kinda sounds like humming. I cautiously
move closer. Now it definitely sounded like someone was humming. I follow it, I know i should be running the opposite way but i couldn't help it. There was this indescribable pull. I was being drawn in. the humming then abruptly stopped. It was eerily quiet. As i stood there in the bleak silence with the absence of light impaired my vison i feel an icy breath on my neck. Freaked out my adrenaline spiked and i swiftly spund round to find no
one was there. "it's all in you imagination" I whispered to myself. Another obvious lie. Of course i knew for sure what it was... the ghost. She obviously brought me here. A feel a cold hand grabbed my feet but when
i looked down once again nothing but bones. I kneeled. "this must be her."felt her breathing my neck again. "look what he did" I turned around again and there she was. Her face so close to mine. Her
expression, emotionless but her eyes were the deepest black ive ever seen and they were staring at me in such pain. I then felt myself getting weak. "what are you doing" I asked but i could feel myself passing out.My eyes shot open in panic. A man was above me with his hands around my neck.I tried to fight but I couldn't move. I felt the cold air on my naked skin and the aggressive man lay on top of me. I closed my eyes ones more trying to shake it off. I opened them once more and i was somewhere else. a storage unit or something. I noticed a familiar book.My grandmothers book all of them actually. All of my family's witch stuff. did the ghost bring me here did she help me.maybe she's asking me for help.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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