Chapter 4

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What Erryn said had really freaked me out.Sacrificial magic is crazy from what i read in my grams books witches are supposed to be good.We are supposed to use are magic to heal and protect not end life.I couldn't stop thinking about it.On the bus home it's all i could think of. I keep on trying to shake it off because it's not my magic so not my problem but there's something off.

I arrived and was greeted by my annoyed father. "you ran out of therapy" He began to yell I didn't have the energy to argue so i stood there. "how are you supposed to get better if you keep running away from your problems" He was waiting for a response but i did know how to respond in a way that wasn't going to further aggravate him. "i'm sorry" I lied wanting him to let it go. "sorry that's all you have to say! Rachael i'm worried for you" I know he's concerned but i can't talk to him and talking to a stranger isn't the same. "I think i'm gonna go to bed now" I said walking upstairs i can hear my father scoff behind me in frustration.I flopped on the bed in my damp clothes. I didn't realise how wet i was.I went in the shower to freshen up before going asleep.My eyes when closed as i applied my coconut shampoo. I stopped for a second It felt like someone was breathing on my neck. I span around but no one was there. "ouch" I scrunched my eyes in pain the shampoo had gotten into my eyes. I quickly rinsed off everything feeling extremely annoyed. I got out of the shower to look at myself in the fogged up mirror.I turned around to slip on my bathroom robe and slipper. when i looked back I saw the demon woman instead of my reflection.I began to panic and rush out the bathroom. I was no longer in my room.The cold air brushed over my exposed legs and the smell of salt water clogged up my nose. I was at la push beach. "what the fuck" I whispered to myself. how the hell did i get here i was just in my bedroom. "hey are you ok" a boyish voiced asked. I turned around to see a boy with long black hair.I nodded still trying to process what happened. "are you sure because you're in the middle of the beach in a bathroom robe" he tried to make it seem light but i could sense the slight worry in his tone. "I'm fine i'm just a little stranded" I said. "I can give you a ride" he said kindly.I didn't want to be in the company of people at the moment. "I don't really feel comfortable getting in a car with someone i don't know.but can i please use your phone to call a taxi or something" I asked
"what you do know me i'm Jacob" he look at me as if it was obvious. "who?"I said with a slight attitude.
He giggled a little before speaking. "Jacob black Bella's friend"
"right of course" I say remembering in my defence that time i was to worried about Bella and vampires business. I then remembered something else the woman in the water. I quickly turned around to look at the ocean.Is that what this is am i being haunted by the ghost from that day. "so can i give you a ride" Jacob asked taking me away from my thoughts. "I guess" I said not really thinking. The car ride was long Jacob tried to make small conversation here are there but my mind was somewhere els. Why was that woman haunting me did she attach herself to me when i noticed her.why does she keep showing up.Jacob dropped me off and i tried to sneak inside but my father got up in confusion. "Rachael what is this i thought you where upstairs asleep." I guess I had to come up with an excuse. "I snuck over to bella's i needed some girl time" It was the best cover up i can think of. "in your bathroom robe" he questioned. "yea it was a pamper thing" I said before rushing upstairs avoiding more questions. I eventually got into bed and now i can try and sleep.All night i was rolling back and forth trying to think of even a small explanation as to what is happening. it was turning light outside but i closed my eyes shut.I wasn't redy to start the day shouldn't I deserve atleast a second to relax.I begin to slowly drift off i hear light patter and something wet hit my shoulder and then more all over my body it felt like "rain" I shot up now wide awake but there was nothing just my plain room. "just a dream" I lied to myself but i knew better.
I started to get ready for the day there was no way i was sleeping so what was the point in staying in bed. I wore something simple a black pleated skirt with tights. i didn't have to energy to look cute.On the top i had on a baby pink sweater I thought wearing my favourite colour my cheer me up a little it didn't. as i left i threw on black boots and a beige dress jacket.

I was on the bus exhausted I was dreading school having to stay awake and act happy and socialise even though i have bigger worries. "hey cutie" a light voice said sitting next to me. It was erryn wearing a large smile. "can i help you" I said annoyed. "can i not say hi i mean i thought we where friends" she said still smiling. "one conversation dose not suddenly makes us friends" i responded. her smile slightly dropped. "that's a shame your kinda the only friend I've talked to the rest of the school doesn't really want to make friends the goth new kid" she said. I felt bad but i had to stay strong and stay away from her kinda stuff. "i'm sorry your having a hard time fitting in seriously. but we can't be friends I really need to stay away from magic" i said trying to reason with her "plus i'm an awful friend you can do better" I laughed trying to make it seem like i was joking. "I understand but are you sure you are trying to avoid magic" she asked. I nodded in confusion. she looked at me up and down before standing up to sit away front me. I was confused at her oddness normally i'd walk over there and demanded to know what she means but i was to exhausted.

the rest off the day seemed bleak I had history and art back to back normally i'd share those classes with jasper but the class room just felt so empty.its crazy how much he lit up the room even though he didn't really talk much. I was walking the eyes where drawn to bella she was sat on jasper's table alone luckily this time i had a reason to talk to her. "hey" i said approaching her. in response was a quiet mumbling. bella wasn't even acknowledge me she was just staining at the door. it's like she was waiting for edward to walk in any minute. "I need you to cover for me for something" I said putting my hand on hers trying to get her attention. she looked at me almost in shock it was like she only just noticed i was here. "sure what happened" she asked slightly concerned. her eyes where swollen it's like she only just stopped crying for school. I didn't realise how bad she was doing. "oh nothing I just went to a party last night and said i was at yours" I lied there was no way I could add worry to her pain she didn't need to know.It was for the best. "so how have you been" I asked but the shift when back to normal she went back to ignoring me and waiting for edward to walk in the door. "i" i began to speak but released ther was no point i got up and joined the others at the table.

as i made way to class i was pulled it the janitors closet. "hey what the hell" I yelled before noticing it was just erryn. I looked at her in frustration before speaking. "what the hell"She looked at me still with a smile like i had said some amazing joke. "shhh your fine i just wanted to see if you was ok"she asked. I was extra annoyed at this point "are you kidding me you dragged me into the janitor's closet just to socialise" I whispered yelled before turning to leave. "wait I also pulled you in here to help with you magic problem and to smoke" she said before pulling out a joint. "ew" i responded at the awful small. "oh don't worry princess it's perfectly safe" she said i looked her up and down with a scowl. "do not call me that.also i'm leaving" i said begin to leave. "come on i was joking plus don't you want to know why your magic is acting up" she said in caught my attention though my powers where definitely not acting up. "my powers are just fine"
"are they because you are radiating with some intense water magic" she said taking a drag of joint before continuing. "I never pegged you for a water witch i was thinking more a glamour witch because of all the makeup" she pointed. "i'm not an anything witch" she laughed at my response. "if you say so but the power coming off of you is alot and if you don't let it out your gonna just thought you'd want my help. she said it in almost a taunt like she was moking me. "oh do you know what happens when a baby witch who keeps a huge amount of powder.will she dies well she courses huge destruction then she dies" she continued to smoke. i couldn't tell if she was joking she was speaking as if what she was talking about nothing. "i'm going to die" i whispered to myself before leaving.

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