V : White Lies For A Red Sweater

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(this is barely proof read, please forgive me for making any mistakes<3)

"You think Tubbo will be happy to see us?" Grian questioned the taller as they were slowly walking across the ocean, balancing on top of the quick travel tunnel.

"Tubbo and happy?" Tommy scoffed, but then seemed to regret his words and for once took a second to think. "Maybe actually, I'm sure he'll be fine with it though." Tommy shrugged.

Grian decided to not ask any further, so he nodded and the two continued to play circus acrobats on top of the tunnel.


"We're almost there." Tommy suddenly broke the silence, making Grian jump a tiny bit. Land was already in sight and the therapeutic sound of the waves turned into storming crashes.

Grian didn't reply. He didn't feel the need to do so. They just kept balancing across, yearning for the dirt underneath their shoes.

"Fucking finally.." Tommy breathed out as he landed back on land. "I swear the glass was beginning to play tricks on my mind.."

Grian hummed and carefully slipped down from the tunnel. "So.." He started as he subconsciously tried to brush off the saltwater air that stuck to his jeans. "Where to go?"

"Ya see this big wall here?" Tommy gestured to the gigantic wooden wall in front of them. "His little country is behind it."

Grian nodded slightly and started to look for holes in the wall that they could slip through. "Country you say?" he tried to keep a little conversation going.

Tommy perked up from his crouched position and grinned. "Yeah! He Calls it, uh, Snowchester I think." he scratched his neck, quietly scolding himself for almost forgetting the name of his best friend's country.

"That's nice." Grian smiled and peeked through a small hole. "Here's a way through!" he excitedly waved Tommy over and slipped through it.

Tommy followed and smiled. "Tubbo!!" He called out and looked for a second hole as the wall was pretty thick.

"Over here." Grian spoke and crouched through the next hole. "Woah.." he muttered as Tommy came to a stop besides him. "This looks gorgeous!"

The shining sun reflected nicely on the ice and the bunch of small wooden houses made it feel like a winter wonderland kinda village.

"Cool, right?" Tommy smirked and started to jog to the middle of the small land. "Tubbo!!" he called out again.

Grian slowly followed behind, still gawking at the scenery. He had to squint, the sun was shining down onto him.

The slight wind made the sparsely placed plants sway in a comforting way and Grian smiled to himself.

"Tommy?" he heard a new voice call out his friend's name. Grian turned to where the voice was coming from, and saw a little goat hybrid standing on the porch of one of the houses. He reminded him of an old friend.

"Tubbo!!" Tommy yelled and rushed past Grian, the other only laughed.

The hermit followed slowly and cautiously waved at Tubbo. "Hi." a small smile tugged on Grian's face as he spoke.

Tubbo's eyebrows narrowed and he glanced at Tommy. "Who's that?" he said, but quickly waved a quick 'hi' as well.

"That's Grian!" Tommy announced and grinned, subconsciously hopping from one foot to the other. "My friend. Might've heard about him?"

Tubbo seemed to grumble for a second. Grian chuckled to himself, you could basically see the cogs ticking above Tubbo's head. "Oh! Yeahh.. That guy." he mumbled to himself and nodded at Tommy.

"Hey, Grian. I'm Tubbo!" His demeanor changed and he held out one hand for Grian to shake. Grian took it of course, the hybrids hand was rough, his skin littered with cuts that Grian could feel. But he couldn't really speak himself, although his hands weren't rough, his skin was littered with scars as well.

"Hi, Tubbo. I'm Grian!" He spoke and smiled lightly.

After the hand shake, Tubbo stepped back to the house door. "Why don't we go inside, hm?" he said softly, inviting them inside. Tommy walked up the porch first, his hand laced the rails and he slowly walked up the stairs.

Grian followed, slightly nervous about the way Tommy followed Tubbo. He looked a little broken and old when he walked up the stairs.

Slowly but steadily, they arrived inside. Tubbo was kneeling on the ground, talking with a little baby zombie piglin in a jumper.

Grian grinned and walked a little closer. "Hello little one!" He said to the piglin, kneeling down next to Tubbo.

"M gonna get us some water." Tommy said quietly and strolled into the kitchen. Grian could hear a little chuckle coming from him. This was his plan, wasn't it?

Tubbo eyed Tommy as well, but then shrugged. He turned back to Grian and smiled as the little zombie piglin laughed. It was a soft smile, like the world lit up in his eyes as the piglin laughed.

"What's their name?" Grian asked quietly as he held out his hand to the kid.

"It's Micheal. He's my son." Tubbo muttered back and grinned as Micheal took Grian's hand and shook it wildly.

"That's a lovely name. It's fits him very well.." Grian's voice trailed off as he retracted his hand and pat the piglin's head. His thoughts wandered back to season six. To his own son. But the pain of leaving him behind resurfaced slightly, so he shook his head and smiled at Tubbo.

"Guys! I've got water! But I can't carry three glasses!" Tommy shouted from the kitchen and Tubbo and Grian shared a look.

The goat hybrid grabbed Micheal and picked him up. The little guy laughed and Grian accompanied Tubbo to the kitchen, smiling softly.

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