Part 1| New Student

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You just moved to Hawkins and it's your first day at Hawkins High, but your a couple weeks late so your not startling when everything else started.

"Mom why do I have to go today it's Friday, it makes more sence to just start on Monday" you say to your mother exasperated.
Your mom looks over at you raising an eyebrow for just a moment before looking back at the road. "it's only a half day, perfect time to meet your teachers and maybe make a few friends, cheer up" You roll your eyes and watch as your mom pulls into the school parking lot.
"Okay okay..." you say feeling defeated as you slowly get out of your moms car. You wave goodbye to your mom as you are about to close the door she stops you.
"Oh Hunny! I'll be doing job interviews all day so I won't be home until later tonight, so here's some money for dinner tonight, order a pizza or something okay?" She smiles as she hands you a 10$ bill.
You smile a bit taking the 10$ "thank you momma, have a good day" you where very appreciate of the gesture, stuff like that doesn't happen often. Not that your mom was mean or anything she was the world to you.
It had been just you and her sence you where about 5 years old. You close the car door and start heading towards the front door and you hear your mom's car back out and leave the school grounds. As you walk through the halls you get lost in your thoughts, thinking about the new house you got, and how you where going to set up your room once you got home, and all the decorations you wanted to get.
You lived about a 15-20 min walk straight behind the school. you lived in the trailer park. You reach your first class, History. You go sit in a seat towards the back to avoid talking to anyone, you weren't a big people person.
You where about 5 minutes early, so you decided to get out a notepad and doodle a bit till class started.

-------Time Skip to the end of the day-------

Nearly 2 p.m and you hear the last bell of the day, you head to the back of the school and start walking through the forest, listening to music.
Feeling good about your first day in hawkins, smiling a bit, excited to get home to start setting up your bedroom. You and your mom haven't really unpacked anything yet, just a few things here and there like towels and kitchen supplies.
While lost in your own thoughts you see a picnic table and no one around so you decide to go sit down, it was really nice outside and figured why not. You sit at the bench and pull out a cigarette from your jacket pocket.
You pull your favorite lighter out from your back pocket and lit the cigarette. You git the lighter from a friend in your hometown before tou moved away.
For about the next 30 minutes you where drawing a layout of your bedroom in your notebook and how you wanted your room set up while smoking a couple cigarettes and listing to your music.

~ side notes ~ I didn't plan on publishing this but I decided why not. It's just for fun so
I've never Witten anything before, this is my first time.
If you end up reading this cool, and I don't mind advice or ideas for the story. Doesn't mean I'll use it but I'll definitely consider it if I like the ides
~More side notes~
The main charactor is FTM, I will be using he/him pronouns for the charactor
He is a Junior in high school
Lives with just his mom, no siblings

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