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⚠️Warning: sexual tension⚠️

Both if you are sitting on Eddie's couch watching a comedy movie, laughing and talking to each other most of the movie. Still very stoned you notice how late it is "oh shit I should probably head back my mom might be getting worried" you say as you get up off the couch as you head to the door.
Eddie stands up and walks behind you to walk you out, you step outside and a really cold gust if wind hits you and your still wearing a tank top and shorts
"Jesus when did it get so damn cold" you say while shivering a bit
Eddie stops you "wait here just a second" as he runs off to his room and cokes back with a fairly big black sabbath hoodie.
Your eyes grow wide as he hands it too you "please, wear it, I can get it back from you tomorrow"
You take it from him slowly and jokingly say "aren't you supposed to give your hoodies to your girlfriend"
He laughs a bit "No, no I don't have a girlfriend"
You smile and thank him for the hoodie, before you walk out the door you realize you'd forgotten your wallet in the bedroom "Oh shit uh my wallet, one second" you run to eddie room and grab it off the bed, putting it in your pocket. You turn around and eddie is right there, you run right into him "Oh, shit sorry!"
He says while grabbing at your waist keeping you from galling backwards with how hard you just ran into him.
You look up at him without realizing your hands are placed on his chest and his hands on your waist.
Your faces barely an inch away from each other. All you can see is his eyes and his curly brown bangs in his eyes.
Your eyes widen and you both freeze up from shock.
Just staring at each other.
"Shit, uh sorry" Eddie says while slowly taking his hands off of your waist.
"Oh uhm, y-yeah shit sorry-"
You say awkwardly as you slide your hands down his chest, brushing against his stomach slightly.
You both now blushing profusely.
"See you tomorrow?" You say awkwardly while leaving, waving at him as you walk out the door from down the hall.
Getting on your bike and riding home. Dying inside from the encounter that had just happend.
Feeling butterflies in your stomach and blushing so hard you feel your face getting warmer although it's cold outside.
You arrive home and see your mom passed out on the couch watching TV. You sigh with relief as you walk down to your room closing and locking the door and lay on your bed.
You can't stop thinking about what happen.
The way he looked at you, the way he heald your waist.
You sigh as you feel your pants getting tighter when you realize you had a boner.
You look down at yourself in dissapointmet "really..?" you say in an annoyed tone.
You rub your face in frustration.
You have known for a while that you where homosexual. You where pretty sure your mom knew too, you'd didn't have to come out to her really.
You had never had a boyfriend, or anything close to it, it was 1986, being gay wasn't really a big thing. If you where gay you kept it to yourself.
Suddenly you get a wiff of Eddie's sent of ciggarets and cheap cologn.
Suddenly your pants grew tighter at the thought of him. "Fuck" you say in a panic realizing you had a crush Eddie. "Godamniiitttt.." covering your eyes feeling embarrassed. You sit up again the wall, looking down at your erection.
Wondering how in the world you where gonna face him ever again knowing how easily he got you horny. He was a complete stranger...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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