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Your home alone working on your bedroom, unpacking and sorting your things.
While unpacking your clothes you find your favorite comphy clothes so you decided to change your outfit, it was getting late anyways, why not be comphortable. You change into a skillit band t-shirt that was cut into a tanktop and basketball shorts.
You decided it was time to take a break and order some food. You go to the living room and grab the phone, and called to order a medium pizza.
You where told it would take 30 minutes to arrive, with that you go outside and get on your bike to go to the gas station that wasn't very far from your trailer, figuring you'd have time to get a drink before the pizza showed up.
You get on your bike and when you get to the end of the street you hear really loud music blasting from one of the trailers, ypu didn't know who it belonged to but you recognized the music, Metallica master of puppets was playing. You enjoyed the music as you rode by it arriving at the gas station a few minutes later.
You get off your bike and walk inside to get a slushy and a bag of chips.
You pay for your things and start to head out of the store, you see 4 boys you recognized from the halls at school, you didn't know their names but you knew they where freshman.
They seem very hyper, talking about the game DND.
One of the boys with a blue, red and white hat waved at you as you walked by.
You gave a small smile and waved back as you got on your bike and rode away.
On the ride home you thought about DND, you knew how to play but you haven't played in years because you never had enough people to accually play. You honestly missed playing.
As you where driving by the trailer that was blasting music from earlier you notice a man outside smoking a cigarette sitting on his front steps, looked like he was tuning a guitar.
You hadn't seen him before.
And you rode by his trailer you couldn't stop staring at him, his long brown hair and his chunky rings.
You hit a rock and nearly fall. "Jesus Christ!!" You slowly stop to catch your breath and recover from the sudden heart attack you just gave yourself.
You hear a voice from about 20 feet behind you saying "Whoa you alright there man?" In a concerned tone.
You turn around and it was the man you where just staring at before you nearly crashed your bike.
You turn around on your bike, facing his direction.
"Yeah! I just hit a rock, I'm alright" You see him walking towards you still seeming concerned "Do I know you" now standing about 3 feet in front of you.
"N-no no, I just moved in down the street yesterday, uh I'm Y/N" You stick your hand out for a handshake, youd always do that, you grew up being taught it was polite.
The tall Burnett reached his hand out shaking yours firmly "I'm eddie, welcome to hawkins" he said with a welcoming smile.
You smiled back at him.
You could smell the weed that he obviously smoked not long beforehand. You both sat there in silence just looking at each other for what seemed like forever but realistically was about 5 seconds.
You point behind you gesturing to your trailer "I better head back it's getting dark" as you put a foot on a pedal getting ready to leave. "Yeah of course, see you around?" Eddie says while taking a couple small steps backwards. You laugh a bit awkwardly "Yeah man" and turn around heading back to your house.
On the way back you think about the weed smell, you've always wanted to try smoking weed but you had never been able to find someone who sold it. You where thinking about turning around to ask him but you thought to yourself "that's stupid, not the best way to bring that up dumbass" you arrived to your house nearly at the same time the pizza man did.
You hurried off your bike to meet him at the door of your trailer and handed him the money, taking the pizza box and your bag from the gas station into the house.

~ side note ~
Sorry this one is so much longer haha. Again I'd like to day I'd love any advice from other writers and I'll take suggestions if I like the idea.

Male X Eddie Musnon Story Where stories live. Discover now