First Time

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⚠️Warning: Smoking Marijuana ⚠️

A couple hours goes by just listening to music, eating and re arranging your new bedroom.
You start getting bored. Your thoughts get the better of you, you decide why not go ask that eddie guy if he knows any dealers in town.
You leave a note on the fridge for your mom incase you where gone when she got home saying "Went for a bike ride, love you -Y/N"
You close and door and head outside, you start riding down the street and you still hear music playing and lights on in eddie trailer.
You get off your bike and let your bike fall. You walk up to the door and start to get nervous. Fiddling with your hands your about to knock but then you pull away.
Taking about another minute just standing at his door and you end up knocking quietly. Now very nervous about asking a total stranger about drugs.
You wait for about 30 seconds and you see the door open slowly, you see eddie in ripped jeans and a tank top smoking a cigarette.
He smiles and opens the door all the way "To what do I owe the pleasure new kid" you nervously laugh. He can clearly see that your nervous "you alright?" Your voice hitches and you say "yeah! Uh I just had a question..." still fiddling you kinda quietly ask "do you know any dealers around here?"
He seemed a little struck by the question, you start regretting all of your decisions. He laughs. Throwing you off, you raise an eyebrow in confusion "Yeah" he points to himself and smiles and he puts out his cigarette "Come on in" as he walks away to the back of his trailer.
You step inside feeling a little more confident knowing you didn't just completly make a fool of yourself...again.
You close the door behind you and walk near the counter that was near the door.
He walks over to you with a metal lunchbox in his hand and places it in front of you.
You have a look of worry and confusion on your face. And remeber you didn't bring any cash. "Oh uhm I appreciate this but I'll have to come back another time, I don't have money with me, I wasn't fully expecting you to accually be a dealer" you say while giving a little laugh. Eddie notices you still fidgeting with your hands.
"Have you ever smoked before"
You try to act all confident so he didn't think you where a newbie. "What no, I've totally smoked before..lots of times.
Eddie laughs loudly "dude your not a good liar"
You get a bit embarrassed but laughs it off "okay fine..I've never smoked"
You stare into each other's eyes for a few moments making you blush and end up breaking the eye contact.
Eddie breaks the silence. "Here new kid, you seem cool, I won't charge you this time, and you and I can share a blunt, I'll teach you okay?" 
You nod, agreeing. "Follow me" the older man says walking to his room and sitting on his bed patting next to him for you to sit next to him.
You look at him with a confused look but smiling. "You seem too trusting of me, you don't know me, maybe I'm a serial killer" you say while standing again the doorframe.
He gets up and walks to you and stands way too close, but you don't move. You realize how tall he is, you barely reach his nose.
You look up at him giving a playfully serious look.
He bends down slightly meeting eye level with you "maybe I'm a serial killer" he says in a low quiter voice while smiling.
You feel your face heat up in embarrassment, getting flustered over the man and how close he is.
Before you can say anything he grabs your arm gently and leads you to his bed and sits on it up against the wall ans has you sit next to him
Breaking the silence he looks over at you while grabbing a blunt and says "you seem too sweet to be a killer to be honest"
You overdramatically put your hand on your chest and say "how dare you"
He giggles and lights the blunt, taking it between his lips and sucking in some smoke.
He hands it to you and says "suck in, and hold in your chest fir as long as you can then let it out.
You do as he tells you and start coughing alot.
He starting laughing and mokingly says "I've smoked before, huh?"
"S-shut up eddie" you say in-between coughs and laughing at the same time.
Suddenly you start to feel the high
"Whoaaa this feels weird as hell, it feels like my eyes are floating" you say while you start laughing really hard.
Making eddie laugh while taking another hit "you like it new kid?"
As you fall back on his bed laughing, now laying down " hell fucking yes, thank you man"
Just looking up at the ceiling like it's the best thing you've never seen
"No need to thank me, I enjoy the company" He smiles and lays next to you. "So Y/N, does this mean we are friends now?" He says jokingly, mainly just teasing you.
You look over at him and giggle "I mean, if you'd like to be, you seem fun"
You look at him up and down for a long while not realizing your totally checking him out, and he 100% caught you doing it.
He laughs nervously "you seem fun too new kid" looking you up and down once.
You look away "I have a name y'know eddie"
He hands you the blunt for you to take another hit "yeahhh I like 'New kid' tho, nicknames are easier to remember"
You take another long drag of the blunt without coughing surprisingly and sit up. Eddie follows and sits up so you can be eye to eye with you.
You hand the blunt back to him
"Ohhhh I see how it is, your bad with names" you giggle, now extremely stoned. You rub your eyes.
"This feels great"
Eddie giggles and looks at you "wanna watch a funny movie? I promise it'll be worth it" you get up off the bed and smile "Hell yes let's go" you walk out to the living room and eddie follows far behind you.

~ side notes~
I'm very stoned while created this I'm sorry If it makes no sence lmao

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