Chapter 8 A relic of broken memories

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Location: In the middle of the jungle

Time: 2:00 pm

I am sitting in a tree near an enemy convoy checkpoint, my splat charger leaning on the branch in front of me. My charger is modified for longer range with extra stopping power. I am wearing a gillie suit covered in leaves and sticks. My team is on the ground nearby waiting for the convoy to arrive. The wind whistles by as my breath vanishes into the humid air. Then I hear the rumbling of vehicles. I look to the left and see a row of 4 trucks driving toward the checkpoint. The first one is an attack vehicle with a high power splat machine weapon on top with someone aiming it. The second looks like a troop transport with some extra armor. The third truck is a cargo truck with a cover so we couldn't see what was inside, and finally there is another attack vehicle. In my headphones I hear Sarah's voice over my headphones "Rider are they here?" "Yup, they're approaching the checkpoint" I reply.

The trucks arrive at the checkpoint and I see the driver get and talk to a guard. I charge up my charger and aim at the driver, I fire the shot hitting the driver and splatting him in one go so they couldn't escape immediately. I yell "NOW" "Rider we are on mics you don't need to yell" I hear Sarah say. "Sorry" I reply. The three flip the camouflage cover over and rush the enemy ambushing them. I pull out my phone select my playlist and play the song Apata Palace. (Not my music)
Here's a vid

I lean my splat charger against the tree and grab my splattershot and jump down from the tree. I run toward the back where the cargo truck is but a few soldiers jump out of the back and open fire. One has a heavy splatling and another has a rapid blaster pro. One of them has the knife blade shooting weapon. I duck behind a barrier to shield myself from the shots. I am pinned down because they seem to be able to fire for ever. I throw a splat bomb behind the barrier and I hear "BOM-" then an explosion.
I pop up to see that the only guy still alive is the one with the TSG 65 (the knife blade shooting weapon). The guy seemed to have been injured a bit because there was a small puddle of teal ink. Next thing I know I see flashes of needles and sanitized ink. I hear voices that crowd my head so I can't hear anything else.

Jack's POV

"What is Rider doing?" I wonder as I am crushing people with my heavy dynamo. Why is he shaking, standing there frozen and not moving, is he trying to get shot? Are those tears welling up in his eyes? "Hey Rider! You good!?" I yell, but he didn't respond physically or vocally. I see an enemy raise their weapon and I run over to him to help him because he is going to get himself splatted. I shove him to the side as the guy starts to fire and I catch 3 rounds in my arms, this also makes his headphone fly off his head. I crouch down and I hear Rider start to cough and gag. I look down at him and he is still shaking but he is holding his throat. Now that I look at him his eyes are closed too, also I see he is tearing up even more. Before I do anything I swing my dynamo at the enemy and hit him with the ink and splatted him. I grit my teeth because of the pain in my shoulder. I look back down at Rider and start to see ink dripping through their hands. I call Olivia over to see to Rider's wound because by this time all the enemies have been splatted.

Olivia: "Hey Jack what's going on?"

"I think you should look at Rider's throat cause I think something's wrong" Me

Olivia: "Ok" *looks at his hands and tries to move them*

*doesn't budge* Rider

Olivia: *sighs* "I guess I will have to force his hands to move" *forces his hands to his sides*

*Starts shaking even more and whimpering a bit* Rider

Olivia: "Is he okay?" *concerned*

"I don't know because he froze in front of an enemy and was shaking but not this much." Me

Olivia: "Ok" *looks at his wound and symptoms then pulls out some gauze* It looks like more of a flesh wound but it is effecting him"

"Uhm, will he be okay? Sorry I didn't follow" Me

Olivia: *sighs* "Yes he will be fine, but I don't know if he's unconscious or not."

Author's Note:
I tried a new style of writing when they talked, hope you liked it. If you actually kinda look forward to this I am sorry for not that many chapters being posted. School is really kicking me in the nuts and I can't upload chapters too frequently. I will try to post more though. Stay fresh! Edit: Holy balls I have updated in a while, sorry it's school and writing block.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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