Confusing Confession

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Sometimes we really don't solve anything by lying. Instead, we only make the problem bigger.

Just a heads up: this is going to be an AU where Vee doesn't have a girlfriend yet probably never will (I liked it better that way) and where Mark didn't easily fall for him (wish me luck).


I might change a few other things.


Mark's P.O.V.

Great minds think alike. And love the same person too.

I'm referring to me and the tall, white and handsome med student standing not too far while waiting for P'Bar.

I think his name is Gone but I'm not 100% sure. I'm certain though that he rolls from Med judging from his iron-pressed white shirt, pants, and tie, and his immaculate appearance. Trying to find one like him in Engineering would be akin to finding a needle in a pool full of cereals.

Us people who constantly had to deal with numbers only to be tortured afterward with SOTUS are far too busy questioning our life decisions to iron a white shirt much more wear one. It wasn't practical too specially when we're dealing with not so clean equipment and spare parts.

A quick glance at him and then back to myself, it wasn't so hard to see how we are so different.

If he is Mount Everest, then I am a small nameless hill somewhere. We are both first years but in totally different leagues.

Nevertheless, I never once thought of giving up on my feelings just because I am faced with such a competitor. All is fair in love and war. No one hands over love in a silver platter and I won't do it either. Unless I have already tried my hardest, I'm not one to easily quit. Moreover, even if he is all that great, as long as P'Bar doesn't like him, I still have a chance.

With this in mind, I strengthened my resolved and planned a confession.

After a few months of preparation, the perfect time came.

It's now or never.

So like what I've been planning to do for a long time now, with a bouquet of white roses and gathered courage, I slowly walked towards the place I know P'Bar frequents after our practices. It's a bit of a remote place and figured it'll be the best place to confess. Just me and him plus these flowers and my feelings.

Getting nearer the place, I stood frozen and unable to move. P'Bar was there with Gone. He has a bouquet of flowers too. And if that wasn't enough of a clue, his words made clear his purpose of being there.

"P' I know this is probably just one-sided . . ." Begins his speech I mean his confession.

After a while, he paused and then as he hands P'Bar the flowers, he added, "I'm not sure how you feel about me, Phi. I am only certain that it has always been you and that I will continue to feel the same in the future. Please accept the flowers, they stand for what I feel for you."

And with that he handed the bouquet.

P'Bar was in trance for a few seconds. He must've been shocked to receive a confession when he only wanted to get a bit of air and rest at his favorite place after practice. Still he recovered after some time and received the flowers.

It was my cue to go away. He already decided.

His silent decision ripped me. Like someone's choking me. Should be similar if someone were to cut open my chest, pull out my heart and trample on it several times. That painful. Everything went down the drain.

Months of planning and rehearsing what words I'll say, what flowers I'll bring, what clothes to wear, how I can better express the depth of my feelings all came to nothing.

I was about go after one final look at them when P'Bar suddenly turned towards my direction and I never stood more still in life before.

I thought I'd die standing when I heard a sound of foot steps from behind me. I turned around and I saw the second to the last person I would want to see that day -- P'Vee. He's one of P'Bar's friends and judging from how he's been glaring at me during SOTUS, it wasn't hard to figure out the guy hates me. For what reason though is still an unsolved mystery.

"Hey, you're one of the first years, right?" P'Vee asked though I can tell he already knows the answer. "Why are you still here? You have SOTUS today, right?!" P'Vee reminded me or should I say reprimanded me.

I'm not sure why this senior always had an annoyed face whenever I happen to look at him or whenever we meet somewhere but instead of feeling the same. That day, his frown and more so his words felt like a life vest to a drowning person.

An unlikely person just saved me.

I felt grateful to him for the first time in forever and badly wanted to hug him but held myself the last minute. The guy is like a porcupine, I'll only end up hurting myself.

Now the only problem is, how do I explain this look and the flowers I'm holding? Not wanting to get in between P'Bar and the med student who just confessed to him and who he just accepted, my mouth decided to tell a harmless, white lie.

"This is for you P'. I like you."

Needing to get away from the place as soon as possible, I unceremoniously pushed the bouquet of white roses to my senior's hands.

I'm not sure how P'Vee took the confession but I'm too brokenhearted to think of anything other than my own pain at that time. I only hope he won't get nastier and bully me less during our activities.



My early birthday gift.

White Lies Ft. VeeMarkWhere stories live. Discover now