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Can't sleep so I write a random chapter. This isn't part of the main story (or maybe it could be?) so I'll probably remove it in a few days' time. 


Pity my lonely working brain cell and don't take this chapter too seriously.


Vee is in Mark's living room watching a replay of a football game. Again. For the 5th time that week. And it's only just Friday. 

Like the sofa he is sitting on, or the coffee table in front of him, and even the tv he's watching from, Vee is slowly becoming a permanent fixture in Mark's living room. Much to the younger's frustration. Never mind that Vee has the monopoly of the remote control but must Mark see him every day now that they are 'dating'? The senior also insist on them cuddling on the sofa which so far, and miraculously at that, Mark had managed to avoid. But then again, the days are long, and Mark is running out of excuses . . .

It can't go on like this, Mark thought. Then suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind.


A few moments later . . . 

"Phi, I'll go out for a bit. Don't wait for me." Mark said as he walked towards the coffee table to grab his car keys.

Vee immediately looked up from the tv to Mark.

"I didn't know you have plans for today." The senior said taken aback. 

"Sorry. Forgot to tell you, Phi. But Fridays are gym days. Had to lift some weights and stuff." Mark replied casually.

"You're going to the gym?" Vee echoed.

"Yes, Phi. Gym." Mark confirmed.

"Wearing a dress shirt?" The senior asked confused.

"This isn't a dress shirt, Phi. Just a shirt with long sleeves. It's a bit hot these days. Can't risk a sun burn." The younger explained.

"What's the difference?" Vee asked not convinced. "Wait. Did you style your hair?"  

Mark was looking at everything other than Vee.

"I still have a bit of hair gel left, Phi so . . ." 

"And you're even wearing perfume."

Mark swallowed hard.

Vee's stare is enough to bore holes on him.

"This isn't happening." The senior said with finality. "You're not going to the gym today." Vee finished.

"Wha- why, Phi? Don't I look okay with this?" Mark asked with open arms.

"You're more than okay and I'm not OKAY with that." The emphasis wasn't lost on Mark. 

"But, Phi . . ." 

"Are you sure you're going to the gym?" 

The glare was melting Mark in puddle of sweat.

"I am, Phi. Really. I swear. I was just, just trying to look a bit decent." 

"This is more than decent, Mark." 

"You don't like it? I still have another shirt in pink." Mark is feigning innocence.

"It's not-" Vee is getting frustrated.

"Maybe I should change." Mark is about to turn when Vee noticed . . .

"And what's with the lace-up black shoes?" 

Vee can't believe what he's seeing. 

"Are you dating someone behind my back?" Vee asked his voice rising a bit.

Mark felt his hairs stood on their end. He immediately put both hands on each of his seniors arms trying to pacify him. 

That seemed to work better than Mark expected for Vee immediately and visibly relaxed with the small gesture.

"Phi, listen, when you wear laced-up shoes you can lift heavier." Mark explained while looking directly at Vee's eyes.

The older scrunched his nose in disbelief.

"You think I'm stupid?"

"You don't believe me, Phi?"

Something clicked in Vee's head. 

Out of nowhere, he lifted Mark and laid him on the sofa. 

"Phi! What are you doing?!" Mark half-shouted, half-asked Vee. He was surprised with the sudden action.

"You said laced-up shoes lets you lift heavier, right?" The senior asked as he towers over the laying Mark on the sofa. Then next second, Vee hovered on top of Mark while partially putting his weight against the other.


"No need to go to the gym. I'll be your weights." Vee replied with an evil smile.


"No buts." Vee answered him firmly.

"Phi . . ." Mark pouts at this.


Mark sighed.

"I won't go anymore." 

Turns out Mark had to eat more rice before winning against his senior.


"But, Phi . . ."


Mark felt something poking him down below.

"Um, er, I think I should go and get change."

"Need help?"

"NO!!!!" Mark was quick to reject the offer.

Vee raised an eyebrow.

"I m-mean I can managed, Phi."

Vee stared at Mark some more before getting up from his position.

"Okay. If you say so." Vee said with a smirk. 

Once the senior is off of him, Mark bolted to his room and closed his door.

The senior on the other hand, was left staring at the retreating figure.

"The days are long." Vee muttered to himself.




Still not sleepy. Good mor-night everyone.

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