Why are you ignoring me Stiles's Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

"Hey Stiles did I leave my stuff here?" You call out as you let yourself into his house and hurried into his room.

"Hey Scotty."

"Hey... whoa you look different." Scott said before shaking himself and fixing you with a warm smile.

"I thought you'd already gone." Stiles mumbled as he rummaged through his closet and grabbed the bag you were looking for.

"Nope, the others might not go." You mutter as you concentrated on covering yourself in glow paint.

"What Y/N you can't go on your own!" Stiles yelped as he dropped his science book and fixed you with as stern a look as he could muster.

"I deal with werewolves on the daily, I can handle a few drunk people." You say as you finish up.

"Fine but I'm putting...." He trailed off as he grabbed you buy the hips and span you to face him and caught a sharpie Scott chucked at him "If I get too drunk call..."

"Stiles that won't come off for weeks!" your complaint fell on deaf ears as he continued to write 'or call Officer Stilinski' on your.

"Well now you can safely get lost for a whole week." Stiles said.

"Be careful" Scott chuckled from his spot at the foot of Stiles' bed.

"Thanks also... can I crash here?" You smiled at Stiles who span his desk chair as he thought.

"You gonna make super chocolate mint choc chip pancakes and watch Star Wars with me?" Stiles asked.

"You guys are so gross." The quiet groan had you both laughing.

"What else would we do on a Saturday?" You ask and he grins.

"Don't lose my house keys and don't wake up Scott he'll be on the sofa." Stiles dangled his keys in front of you.

Stiles snorted as he jolted awake, the desk chair making his back ache. He grabbed at where he thought his phone was, only to knock it on the floor and tip the desk chair as he scrambled for it, the thud making Scott jump up from his loud sleep.

"Yeah hello?" Stiles said hurriedly, not bothering to get up off the floor.

"Hi um... I'm a bouncer and I have, what's your name sweetheart... Y/N she's pretty out of it and it says to call this number on her phone?"

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