Call me sir Stiles Stilinski

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Third Person POV.

"I'm here for my first day." You snapped curtly at a dorky looking guy at the nearest desk.

You hadn't meant to be rude but it was your first day and seemed to be one of those days that would only get worse.

"Sure thing, Y/N right, your desk is over here." He showed you the way and leant on it as you settled in. "Thanks, I've got it from here." You sighed, glaring at him as he stared down at you before nodding and walking away.

"Hi, you must be Y/N, it's nice to meet you but it's a quick meeting because we have a conference with the boss in twenty minutes, I'll try and fill you in but we have to send you on a trip next week." A friendly guy babbled on.

You made it to the conference with plenty of time but you wished you hadn't because when everyone filed in your boss began to speak, his eyes fixed on you, introducing himself as Stiles to you and the other new members of staff.

"I'll be joining Y/N on the trip to make sure she knows how to go through the meeting properly." He muttered to the man you'd met earlier, glancing your way with a look in your eyes that had you wondering what he could possibly have planned.

"This looks more expensive than I expected." You admitted when Stiles opened the door and motioned for you to go in.

"I'm the boss what'd you expect?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Besides, got to hide you away somewhere nice."

"What?" you asked, turning to face him as he dumped his suitcase in what you realised was the only room.

"Think I'd let you loose after your stunt the other week?" He asked not bothering to shut the door as he stripped off and changed into a nice suit and a tie, strapping an expensive watch onto his wrist as you blushed, trying to look away from him.

"I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry Stiles." You muttered and he tutted his tongue off the roof of his mouth.

"Sir, when we're alone you call me sir... please." He added which made you smile and attempt to hide the fact that you were almost giggling at the thought of the request.

"Am I not going with you to the meeting... Sir?" You asked and he shrugged.

"The way I see it, you're better off not going." He told you, heading over to the bar that sat at the edge of the living room area.

"You're not going to fire me if I don't do my job?" you asked cautiously.

"Depends which job you choose to do." He muttered without looking at you.

"What do you mean which job I choose?" You asked quickly which got his attention when your tone soured.

"Seeing as you were so rude I figured we could... make an arrangement." He sat on one of the long sofas and leant on his knees watching you carefully.

"What sort of arrangement?" You watched as he shifted awkwardly for a moment, wondering why he was suddenly so flustered.

"We fuck and I pay for stuff." He commented nonchalantly.

"No, I... no." you gasped and glared at him which seemed to do nothing more that make him frown.

"You don't want to be flown around the world for free on week long all expenses paid trips because they're the ones I take... rent payed, car payed for... student loans gone and don't tell me you don't have any because I have a type and they're always smart." He watched you shuffle and glance over at him.

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