I was about to kiss you Stiles Stilinski

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Y/N's POV.

It was no secret Aiden was a huge flirt.

Stiles says he likes me but I think Aiden is just being friendly.

But Stiles of course thinks he likes me. My thoughts were interrupted by Stiles grabbing my hand. I jumped at the sudden touch.

He looked at my weirdly and I said, "Sorry you scared me." He laughed kissing my teach squeezing my hand as we walked down the hall together. As we did I saw Aiden looking at me and winked.

Obviously Stiles saw and got upset. I said, "Babe he is just a friend NOTHING else!" The bell rang meaning to go to class so he kissed my cheek and said, "Better just be friends! See you after class at our usual spot!" He then ran down the hall running to class.

Usual spot was in the library, up the stairs, and behind the shelfs. Our usual making out spot since we have 2nd period off. I walked to class being stopped my Aiden. I said, "Hey Aiden." He said, "Hey Y/N/N." He calls me Y/N/N but my real name is Y/N. He then said, "Y/N those jeans make your butt bigger then it is and I am loving it." As he winked licking his lips.

As the nice person I am I responded, "Thanks, but I have to go." I then walked to class and of course he sat by me using flirty and pickup all through class. I wasn't paying attention I to busy thinking about Stiles.

His cute freckles, his cute dimples. His cute everything. I could almost imagine his lips on mine.

Skipping time ⏭

The bell rang getting my thoughts interrupted. I smiled running out and running to the library and going up the stairs.

I waited for a while until I felt 2 hands covering my eyes. I smiled thinking

it was Stiles.

I said, "Oh baby I have been thinking about you all day!" I turned almost kissing him when I saw Aiden.

I backed up before his lips got crashed into mine. I said, "Oh sorry I thought you were Stiles.

I was about to kiss you!" He asked, "Would that be such a bad thing?" I was about to respond when I heard Stiles say, "Yes! It would be!" Stiles walked up to Aiden and I with his red flannel, black shirt, jeans, and his sneakers with his backpack on his shoulder.

He tossed his backpack to the side while walking up to us. He hen walked up to Aiden shoving him making me jump at his actions. Aidens backpack fell off his shoulder when Stiles shoved him.

Stiles said, "Back off dude she is mine!" Aiden then said, "I think she would love to be with me way more." I then tried to speak when I hand swung and met Aidens jaw.

I gasped jumping even more at the actions of my boyfriend.

I knew Aiden was about to swing at Stiles so I jumped in front of Stiles. Aiden stopped seeing me and huffed grabbing his backpack and walking downstairs and leaving Stiles and I. Stiles huffed in annoyance and I then realized he was jealous.

I smirked and asked, "Was Stiles jealous?" He then made a 'pfffff' and said, "No! Never!" I smirked walking up to him and said, "Admit it Stilinski you were jealous!" He said, "Never

I then said, "Ok then I guess I will just go with Aiden and-" He interrupted me and said, "Ok! Maybe I was a little jealous."

I went up to him pecking his lips and said, "I love jealous Stiles!" He replied.

"I love you to Y/N." He pecked my lips smiling and for the rest of the class period we made out behind the shelfs.

The end.....

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