I am sorry Dylan O'Brien

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Y/N's POV.

"This is Dylan, sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and I'll call back later" A little beep sounded after that. "Hey Dyl,so I finished my essay. Yay. The house is pretty quiet and lonely.

Just..I'm sorry. Okay? Just..just tell me what you want me to do..anyways shoot me text or call when your coming home.

I miss you. Thanks, bye.

"I hung up with instant cringe and regret. Shoot me a text? I wouldn't blame him for not coming back home..


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Flashback ⏮

"I'm sorry okay I'm really busy if you hadn't noticed! Fliming a six part movie series isn't exactly easy!" I yelled.

"And I understand that, but you could at least commit to what you say you'll do!"He spit back fuming.

"And I told them that I might not be able to go due to my hectic filming schedule!"I yelled.

"And I'm sure missing one interview to go to the season 4 wrap up party wouldn't have hurt! You were part of it!"

"It's not that easy! I can't just skip whatever interviews I want for a party!"

"You balance it out! That's what being a actor is!"

"Oh cause you know so much about that? You didn't go to so many things because of your busy schedule, not to long ago!"I said, with instant regret.

"You know that's completely different."he said, with defense.

"Is it? Because I didn't say a thing when you were missing things." He scoffed,

"your unbelievable "he said under his breath.

I went to our room and grabbed my suitcase and started putting clothes into it. I heard heavy footsteps coming up.

Book 3 of Dylan O'Brien Imagines ( on hold )Where stories live. Discover now