Doctor Thomas

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Third Person POV.

The gentle sound of the waves splashing against the sand outside lulled you from your sleep, blinking tired eyes open slowly.

The chilled air made you shiver and curl more into the blankets, huddling into the warm body that slept peacefully beside you.

The scent of bacon blended with the salty air, a hint of greenery hovering through the air.

A roaring gurgle met your ears, earning a sigh from your lips.

The last thing you wanted was to leave the comfort of the bed, but food was calling.

"Tommy, breakfast," you murmured, nudging the deadweight body beside you.

The man shifted, his arm resting on his stomach and his head lolled to the side on his pillow.

His pale pink lips parted with his steady breaths and a small bit of drool dribbling down his chin, caramel orbs hidden behind his eyelids.

Chocolate locks were spiked in random directions, splayed wildly on his head.

It screamed of sleep, having been tousled restlessly from the pillow he slept on.

The blanket had been stolen through the night by you, a small fraction left to cover his lower half, leaving his bare torso to rise and fall without shelter.

Even in the coldest nights, Thomas was a furnace, providing you warmth and comfort.

"Thomas, breakfast." You heard his faint mumble, unable to discern his words. With a huff, you rolled out of the bed, taking the blanket with you.

Thomas didn't seem to care, only rolling onto his stomach, hugging your pillow to his chest.

Without waiting for the man to wake up, you grabbed your clothes for the day, changing in the bathroom to head out.

Your baggy pajamas were discarded in a pile and swapped for a comfortable tank top and jeans, your boots on your feet.

Thomas was left with a single kiss to the forehead that made him smile in his sleep, hugging the pillow more.

The walk through the Safe Haven was refreshing, people up and working already, though the sun had barely arisen over the mountains in the east.

Waves were shared by the occupants of paradise, smiles growing on their faces.

It made you smile in return, kicking off your boots to walk through the oceanic waves that frothed against the sand on your way to the kitchens.

Book 3 of Dylan O'Brien Imagines ( on hold )Where stories live. Discover now